Section 1 Requirements for Submission
1. Manuscripts must have clear arguments, sufficient evidence, reliable data, and concise language.
The general structure of a manuscript should include: Title, Author(s), Full Name of Author Affiliation(s), Abstract, Keywords, Chinese Library Classification Number, English Abstract, Main Text (including Introduction, Supporting Materials, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and Acknowledgments), References, and Figure/Table Descriptions.
1.1 Title: The title should be concise and clearly summarize the theme, generally not exceeding 20 words. A subtitle may be added if necessary.
1.2 Authors: List only the main contributors, generally no more than six individuals. If authors are from multiple affiliations, mark them with numbers (1, 2, 3…) placed to the upper-right of the author names.
1.3 Author Affiliations: Provide the full name of each author’s affiliation, including the name of the province, city/town, and postal code. For multiple affiliations, list them sequentially using numbers (1, 2, 3…).
1.4 Abstract: The abstract should be concise, self-contained, and informative. A structured abstract (reporting substantial content of the paper) should include four components: Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusions, with emphasis on innovation and originality of the findings. Avoid subjective comments. The abstract should be approximately 500 words and accompanied by 3 to 6 keywords. The Chinese and English abstracts must correspond to each other. The English abstract should include the title, authors’ names (in pinyin), translated author affiliations, abstract content, and keywords.
1.5 Footer on the First Page: ① Clearly indicate the project category to which the research results belong, including: Funded Projects (e.g., national or provincial-level research funds), Geological Survey Projects (e.g., those under the China Geological Survey), or Research Projects (other types of projects). Specify the funding agency, the exact project name, and its identification number. ② Provide the following details about the authors: Name (including year of birth), Gender, Academic degree, Professional title, Area of specialization, and E-mail address.
2. Main Text Writing
2.1 Heading Numbering: The introduction is numbered as “0.” Headings in the main text at the first, second, and third levels should be sequentially numbered using Arabic numerals: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2… 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2… 2, 2.1, 2.1.1, and so on. For content below the third level, specific numbers and headings are not required; subdivisions can be indicated using (1), ①, etc.
2.2 Language and Wording: Strictly use formal scientific language and avoid colloquial or non-professional terms. Use standardized Chinese characters (simplified characters) and proper punctuation. For foreign letters, distinguish between uppercase and lowercase, regular and italic fonts, boldface, subscript, and superscript, as well as their specific meanings.
2.3 Quantities and Units: Use legal units of measurement according to national standards. Symbols for quantities should generally be in italic Latin or Greek letters, while unit symbols should be in regular (upright) font.
2.4 Test Data: Test data in figures and tables must indicate the tester, testing methods, experimental conditions, instruments and equipment used, precision, error range, and year. Articles involving geological sampling must provide accurate geographic coordinates of the samples along with an original sampling location map.
2.5 Figures, Plates, and Tables: Figures and tables must be self-explanatory and include titles in both Chinese and English. Base maps for national geological maps should be downloaded from the official National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping website ( Geological maps and related sketches must include latitude and longitude, scale bars, orientation, and legends. For function plots, label the x- and y-axes with units and titles. Figures should be provided in editable vector file formats (e.g., created with CorelDraw software). If other software is used, convert the files to JPG format with a resolution of 600 dpi. Original files must be submitted separately. Double-column figures must be less than 80 mm wide, and full-page figures must be less than 170 mm wide. Text, symbols, and coordinates in figures must match the descriptions in the main text. Lines, symbols, and annotations in figures must be clear and legible. Tables should use the standard three-line table format.
3. References:
Sources cited in the manuscript must be marked within the text and listed at
the end of the manuscript, ensuring consistency between in-text citations and
the reference list. Only references that have been read by the author and are
directly related to the manuscript should be included. Unpublished or
non-public sources should not be included in the reference list. The journal
uses a sequential coding system for references. Citations should be numbered in
the order they appear in the text, with superscript numbers in square brackets
such as [1], [2], etc. The reference list at the end of the manuscript must
correspond to these numbers in sequence. For references with fewer than three
authors, list all authors. For references with more than three authors, list
the first three authors followed by “, et al.” The surname of each author
should be written in uppercase, followed by initials for the given name(s).
4. Editing:
According to the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, the journal may make appropriate edits to the manuscript. However, any substantive content changes will be returned to the authors for revision. After receiving the acceptance notice and revision suggestions, the authors are required to return the revised manuscript and any updated figures to the editorial office in time. The initial proof of the manuscript will be sent to the author for proofreading and the corrected proofs must be returned by the specified deadline.
5. Fees and Copyright
Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, the editorial office will
charge the author a page charge (RMB 400 per page, including tax). The author
is also required to sign the copyright transfer agreement. After the article is
published, the author will receive a one-time payment for the manuscript (RMB
50 per page, including tax) and two copies of the current issue of the journal.
6. Others
6.1 All papers published in this journal will also be included in the China Academic Journals (CD Edition) for the corresponding month and will be indexed in the CNKI, Wanfang, Chaoxing, and Bookan. Authors who do not wish to have their articles published in the CD or online versions must make a statement at the time of submission.
6.2. To promote academic integrity and maintain the quality and authority of the journal, all submissions will be checked using CNKI’s Academic Misconduct Literature Detection System for scientific journals to prevent potential academic misconduct. Submissions must be original and unpublished. Simultaneous submissions to multiple journals are prohibited. Authors shall bear full responsibility for any issues related to infringement.
7. Submission Method: Please visit the journal’s official website, register, and submit your manuscript online.
Section 2 Editorial Policy
1. Review System: The journal adopts a double-blind review system. After submission, the editorial office will conduct a preliminary review of the manuscript. The editorial office will reject manuscripts that are insufficient in originality, have serious scientific or technical mistakes, lack valuable information, or are not in the scope of the journal. Manuscripts that have passed the preliminary review will undergo peer review. The manuscript will be sent to two or more peer reviewers. Authors must respond to reviewers' every comment and submit the revised version. This process would be repeated until reviewers and editors are satisfied with the manuscript. The Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision on whether the manuscript will be published and the editorial office will select manuscripts fairly based on academic quality and the review comment.
2. Review Period: If no acceptance notification is received within three months, authors are free to handle the manuscript.
3. Internal Submission: Submissions by Editorial Board Members (EBMs)/Editors must adhere to all journal review and editorial procedures when submitting manuscripts. They shall not participate in the review, editorial work, or acceptance decisions for articles authored by themselves, their family members, or colleagues. Peer review must ensure independence from the relevant authors, editors, and their research groups.
4. Correction and Retraction: After publishing, if there appears to be an unintended scientific mistake in the article that would not lead to significant impacts on the results and conclusion, the editorial office will publish corrections in the journal as soon as possible, and detailing the changes made to the original article. If a severe scientific error is found in a published article, or the article is suspected of academic misconduct, such as plagiarism and data falsification, the editorial office will issue a statement to inform readers of the risks, initiate an investigation, and announce the final result, or even retract the article with a retraction statement if necessary.
5. Appeals: If authors disagree with the review comments or results, they may submit a written appeal to the editorial office via the contact email ( Authors are required to provide detailed explanations and clarifications for each review comment. The editorial office will review the appeal as soon as possible and communicate the results to the authors. Please note that, in principle, only one appeal per manuscript is allowed.
6. Post-publication Discussions: We warmly welcome authors and readers to participate in discussions on our published articles. Comments can be sent to the editorial office via contact email ( The editorial office will handle them promptly and provide feedback as necessary. The journal encourages readers and authors to engage in mutual supervision and offer feedback on pertinent information, aiming to cultivate a vibrant and positive academic environment.