Honorary Editor-in-Chief
Liu Jiaqi Academician Geology E-mail:liujq@mail.iggcas.ac.cn
Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Professor of Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Director of Chinese Expert Committee on World Nature Heritage
Voting Member of Stratigraphic Committee of International Union for Quaternary Research
Sun Fengyue Professor Geology E-mail:sfy@jlu.edu.cn
Director of Northeast Asia Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources Evaluation,
Ministry of Natural Resources
Professor of College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University
President ofInternationalCenterfor Geoscience Research and Education inNE Asia,
Associate Editor-in-Chief | ||
Shan Xuanlong | College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University | E-mail:shanxl@jlu.edu.cn |
Zeng Zhaofa |
College of Geo-Exploration
Science and Technology, Jilin University |
E-mail:zengzf@jlu.edu.cn |
Xu Tianfu |
College of New Energy and Environment, Jilin University |
E-mail:tianfu_xu@jlu.edu.cn |
Dai Zhenxue |
School of Environment and
Municipal Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology |
E-mail:daizhenxue@qut.edu.cn |
Ji Yanju |
College of Instrumentation &
Electrical Engineering, Jilin University |
E-mail:jiyj@jlu.edu.cn |
Sun Yuewu |
International Center for
Geoscience Research and Education in NE Asia, Jilin University |
E-mail:sunyuewu@jlu.edu.cn |
Members of Editorial Committee | ||
Chen Yanjing | School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University | E-mail:yjchen@pku.edu.cn |
Dai Zhenxue |
School of Environment and
Municipal Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology |
E-mail:daizhenxue@qut.edu.cn |
Ding Zhenju |
School of Earth Resources, China
University of Geosciences (Wuhan) |
E-mail:dingzj@cug.edu.cn |
Fu Xiaofei | Northeast Petroleum University | E-mail:Fuxiaofei2009@sohu.com |
Gao Xing |
Institute of Vertebrate
Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
E-mail:gaoxing@ivpp.ac.cn |
Gao Youfeng | College of Earth Sciences, JilinUniversity | E-mail:gaoyoufeng@jlu.edu.cn |
Ge Wenchun | College of Earth Sciences, JilinUniversity | E-mail:gewenchun@jlu.edu.cn |
Gong Enpu |
School of Resources and Civil
Engineering, Northeastern University |
E-mail:gongep@mail.neu.edu.cn |
Ji Yanju |
College of Instrumentation &
Electrical Engineering, Jilin University |
E-mail:jiyj@jlu.edu.cn |
Jiao Jiangang |
School of Earth Sciences and
Resources, Chang’an University |
E-mail:jiangang@chd.edu.cn |
Jiang Qigang |
College of Geo-Exploration
Science and Technology, Jilin University |
E-mail:jiangqigang@jlu.edu.cn |
Jin Jianhua | School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University | E-mail:lssjjh@mail.sysu.edu.cn |
Li Bile | College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University | E-mail:libl@jlu.edu.cn |
Li Shijin | Qinghai Geological Survey | E-mail:ddylsj@163.com |
Lin Jun |
College of Instrumentation &
Electrical Engineering, Jilin University |
E-mail:jiyj@jlu.edu.cn |
Liu Cai |
College of Geo-Exploration
Science and Technology, Jilin University |
E-mail:liucai@jlu.edu.cn |
Liu Jiaqi |
Institute of Geology and
Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
E-mail:liujq@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
Liu Fulai |
Institute of Geology, Chinese
Academy of Geological Sciences |
E-mail:lfl0226@sina.com |
Liu Quanyou | Institute of Energy, Peking University | E-mail:Liuqy.syky@sinopec.com |
Liu Yunhua |
School of Earth Sciences and
Resources, Chang’an University |
E-mail:zyyhliu@chd.edu.cn |
Liu Zhenghong | College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University | E-mail:zhliu@jlu.edu.cn |
Liu Zhihong | College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University | E-mail:liuzhih@jlu.edu.cn |
Liu Zhifei |
State Key Laboratory of Marine
Geology, Tongji University |
E-mail:lzhifei@tongji.edu.cn |
Ni Pei |
School of Earth Sciences and
Engineering, Nanjing University |
E-mail:peini@nju.edu.cn |
Pan Baozhi |
College of Geo-Exploration
Science and Technology, Jilin University |
E-mail:pannapzhi@jlu.edu.cn |
Ren Dong | College of Life Sciences, Capital Normal University | E-mail:rendong@cnu.edu.cn |
Sha Deming |
Shenyang Center of Geological
Survey, China Geological Survey |
E-mail:sysdeming@cgs.gov.cn |
Shan Xuanlong | College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University | E-mail:shanxl@jlu.edu.cn |
Sun Fengyue | College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University | E-mail:sfy@jlu.edu.cn |
Sun Ge | College of Paleontology, Shenyang University | E-mail:sunge0817@164.com |
Sun Jianguo |
College of Geo-Exploration
Science and Technology, Jilin University |
E-mail:sun_jg@jlu.edu.cn |
Sun Jinggui | College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University | E-mail:sunjinggui@jlu.edu.cn |
Sun Youhong | China University of Geosciences (Beijing) | E-mail:syh@cugb.edu.cn |
Sun Yuewu |
International Center for
Geoscience Research and Education in NE Asia, Jilin University |
E-mail:sunyuewu@jlu.edu.cn |
Tang Juxing |
Institute of Mineral Resources,
Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences |
E-mail:tangjuxing@127.com |
Wang Dongyan | College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University | E-mail:wang_dy@jlu.edu.cn |
Wang Qing | College of Construction Engineering, Jilin University | E-mail:wangqing@jlu.edu.cn |
Wu Wenhao |
Research Center of Palaeontology
and Stratigraphy, Jilin University |
E-mail:paleovert@jlu.edu.cn |
Xiao Wenjiao |
Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
E-mail: wj-xiao@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
Xu Tianfu |
College of New Energy and
Environment, Jilin University |
E-mail: tianfu_xu@jlu. edu. cn |
Yang Debin | College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University | E-mail:yangdb@jlu.edu.cn |
Yang Yanchen | College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University | E-mail:yyc@jlu.edu.cn |
Zhang Hongfei |
School of Earth Sciences, China
University of Geosciences (Wuhan) |
E-mail:hfzhang@cug.edu.cn |
Zhang Lifei | School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University | E-mail:Lfzhang@pku.edu.cn |
Zhang Yanjun | College of Construction Engineering, Jilin University | E-mail:zhangyanj@jlu.edu.cn |
Zhang Yongli |
School of Resources and Civil
Engineering, Northeastern University |
E-mail:Zhangyongli@mail.neu.edu.cn |
Zhao Guochun | Department of Geology, The University of Hong Kong | E-mail: gzhao@hku.hk |
Zhao Yongsheng | College of New Energy and Environment, Jilin University | E?mail: zhaoyongsheng@jlu. edu. cn |
Zeng Zhaofa |
College of Geo-Exploration
Science and Technology, Jilin University |
E-mail:zengzf@jlu.edu.cn |
Zhou Taofa | School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hefei University of Technology | E-mail:tfzhou@hfut.edu.cn |
Zhu Dongya |
Sinopec Petroleum Exploration
and Production Research Institute |
E-mail:zhudy.syky@sinopec.com |
Zhu Maoyan |
Nanjing Institute of Geology and
Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
E-mail:myzhu@nigpas.ac.cn |
Zhu Qun |
Tianjin Center of Geological
Survey, China Geological Survey |
E-mail:1178408834@qq.com |
R. (Mongolian People’s Republic) |
Research Center of
Palaeontology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences |
E-mail:maspaleo@gmail.com |
D. L. (U.S.A.) |
Department of Biology, Indiana University | E-mail:dilcher@indiana.edu |
P. (Belgium) |
Directorate ‘Earth and History
of Life’, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Belgium |
E-mail:pgodefroit@naturalsciences.be |
A. B. (Russia) |
Geological Institute, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Russia |
E-mail:alexeiherman@vandex.ru |
M. (Republic of Korea) |
Department of Geological and
Environmental Sciences & Korea Dinosaur Research Center, Chonnam National University |
E-mail:minhuh@jnu.ac.kr |
A. I. (Russia) |
Far East Geological Institute,
Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Russia |
E-mail:khanchuk@fegi.ru |
Lee Y.
I. (Republic of Korea) |
School of Earth and
Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University |
E-mail:lee2602@snu.ac.kr |
V. (Gemany) |
Senckenberg Research Institute
and Natural History Museum/Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre |
E-mail:volker.mosbrugger@senckenberg.de |
H. (Japan) |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University | E-mail:helecho@kc.chuo-u.ac.jp |
I. I. (Russia) |
Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences | E-mail:pospelov@ginras.ru |
Reisz R.
R. (Canada) |
Department of Biology, University of Toronto | E-mail:robert.reisz@utoronto.ca |
P. G. (Russia) |
Polar Research Center, Jilin University | E-mail:ptalalav@yahoo.com |
Wang H.
S. (U.S.A.) |
Florida Museum of Natural
History, University of Florida |
E-mail:hwang@flmnh.ufl.edu |
Woo C.
K. (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) |
Kim Il-sung University | E-mail:ciocl@rvongnamsan.edu.kp |