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Global Geology
2009 Vol.12 Issue.2
Published 2009-06-25

57 Precambrian crustal evolution in Rangrim Massif , Korean Peninsula
LYANG To Jun, LIU Yongjiang, YANG Jong Hyok, KIM Hon, HAN Ryong Yon

Petrological, chronological and geotectonic geological analysis of Precambrian metamorphic rock in Korean Peninsula shows that the remnants ( > 314 Ga) of continental nuclei crust were formed in the Paleo-archean in the Rangrim Massif. In the massif, the main formation ages of continental crust range from 3.2 Ga to 2.5 Ga, its important growing period was 2.8 - 2.5 Ga. The subsequent expansion period of the Rangrim Massif was 2.4 - 2.2 Ga. The division events occurred in 1.85 Ga and in the Late Paleoproterozoic-Early Mesoproterozoic, respectively. Since then the massif was relatively stable. However, the last division of the Rangrim Massif occurred at 793 Ma.

2009 Vol. 12 (2): 57-63 [Abstract] ( 1392 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 412KB] ( 3308 )
64 Distribution and characteristics of volcanic reservoirs in China
HUANG Yulong, WANG Pujun and CHEN Shuming

About forty productive oil/gas fields hosted in volcanic reservoirs have been found since 1957 in fourteen basins of China. They can be simply subdivided into two groups, the east and the west. Reservoir volcanic rocks of the east group are predominantly composed of Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous rhyolite and Tertiary basalt, preferred being considered as rift type volcanics developed in the circum-Pacific tectonic regime. Those of the west are Permo-Carboniferous intermediate /basic volcanic rocks, being island-arc type ones developed in paleo-Asian Ocean tectonic regime.

2009 Vol. 12 (2): 64-79 [Abstract] ( 2049 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1186KB] ( 5345 )
80 Meso-Cenozo ic basin evolution in northern Korean Peninsula
PAK Hyon Uk, LYANG To Jun, L IU Yongjiang,

In the Korean Peninsula the Meso-Cenozoic basins were mainly formed due to fault block and block movement. The Mesozoic fracture structures correspond basically to modern large rivers in direction. Such faults were usually developed to rift and formed lake-type tectonic basin, such as the Amrokgang-, Taedonggang-, Ryesonggang-, Hochongang-, Jangphari-, Susongchon-, Pujon-, and Nampho basins. The Mesozoic strata are considered to be divided into the Lower Jurassic Taedong System, Upper Jurassic Jasong System, Upper Jurassic-early Lower Cretaceous Taebo System, and the Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene (Chonjaebong, Hongwon, Jaedok Series) . The Cenozoic block movement succeeded the Mesozoic fault block movement. The Kilju-Myonchon Graben and Tumangang Basin, etc, are the basins related to the fault zones developed from the Oligocene to Miocene. In addition, the Tertiary basins were formed in many areas in the Miocene ( e. g. Sinhung, Oro, Hamhung, Yonghung, Anbyon, Cholwon, etc) . The Cenozoic sedimentation occurred mainly from the late Oligocene to Miocene. The Kilju-Myongchon Graben was the fore deep connected to the sea and the basins inclined in the Chugaryong Fault Zone are intramountain basins. Therefore, coal-bearing beds and clastic rocks in the intramountain basins and rare marine strata and terrigenous clastic rocks are main sedimentary sequences in the Cenozoic.

2009 Vol. 12 (2): 80-86 [Abstract] ( 1698 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 389KB] ( 2495 )
87 Early Cretaceous precious fossil-bearing beds in Weijialing-Yaolugou of Jianchang Basin , western Liaoning
DUAN Ye and ZHANG L ijun

The Jianchang Basin is one of the main localities of the precious fossils of Jehol Biota in western Liaoning. The fossil-bearing horizons are mainly in the Yixian- and J iufotang formations. In the Weijialing-Yaolugou of southwest Jianchang Basin, many precious fossils have been found at Luojiagou Bed of the 2nd Member of the Yixian Formation and at Xidian Bed of the 1st member of the Jiufotang Formation. The geologic setting, sedimentary environment and paleogeography of the precious fossil-bearing beds were also studied.

2009 Vol. 12 (2): 87-93 [Abstract] ( 1498 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 411KB] ( 1866 )
94 Late Paleozoic tectonic evolution in northern Korean Peninsula
JON Guk Pu, LYANG To Jun, LIU Yongjiang, KIM Sung Hyon and LIU Chengxian

Since Late Proterozoic era, the Korean Peninsula has been evolved into a state with relatively stable regions and orogenic beltswhich were developed differently each other. The Late Paleozoic (Late Carboniferous-Early Triassic) sediments are well developed in the Korean Peninsula, and called the Pyongan System. The Pyongan System from Late Carboniferous to Lower Triassic is distributed in the Pyongnan and Hyesan-Riwon Basins, and Rangrim Massif, and divided into Hongjom (C2 ) , Ripsok (C2 ) , Sadong (C2-P1 ) , Kobangsan and Rokam ( Taezhawon) ( P2-T1 ) sequences. The sediments of the Tumangang Orogenic Belt are called Tuman System which is composed of the Amgi Series, consisting of clastic formation with mafic effusive material, overlaid by the Kyeryongsan Series, consisting mainly of mafic volcano sediments. The Songsang Series which rests on the Kyeryongsan Series mainly consists of clastic formation with minor felsic effusive material. In the Tuman- gang Orogenic Belt the tectonic movement, called Tumangang Tectonic Movement, occurred in the Lower Permian-Lower Triassic.

2009 Vol. 12 (2): 94-99 [Abstract] ( 2029 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 337KB] ( 3282 )
100 Heavy metal content in coral reef sediments from Red Sea of Yemen and its significance on marine environment
NabilA. AL-SHAWAFI, Abdulhakeem AL-KHOLIDI, and Aref M.O. AL-JABALI,

In order to determine and assess the concentrations of trace elements in coral reefs sediments from Red Sea of Yemen, sediment samples were collected, treated and analyzed for cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel, iead, iron, zinc and vanadium by the atomic absorption spectrometric analysis. The result is that cadmium, cobalt and lead concentrations were high and other elements are low or the same as natural background. It is concluded that the high cadmium, cobalt and lead levels in coral reefs sediments will have negative effects on marine life of the sites, so further researches are needed to characterize the sources fate, biogeochemical processes and impacts of these trace elements on coral reefs and marine of the region.

2009 Vol. 12 (2): 100-104 [Abstract] ( 1709 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 292KB] ( 4352 )
105 Annual precipitation gray forecast in disaster year of Chedaren debris flow
MENG Fanqi and LI Guangjie

The Chedaren ravine belongs to high-prone areas of debris flow in Jilin Province, which threaten the local people's life and security seriously. The authors used the residual correction theory to amend the GM (1, 1) model and forecast annual precipitation in disaster year of the Chedaren ravine; it provides scientific foundation for early warning of debris flow disaster in the rainy season based on weather forecast. The prediction results show that annual precipitation is 724.7 mm in 2009; the region will probably occur large-scale debris flow during the rainy season.

2009 Vol. 12 (2): 105-108 [Abstract] ( 1206 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 256KB] ( 1815 )
109 Application of homotopy parameter inversion method in Miyun Reservoir
LI Xin, LI Yong and CHEN Duowei

The large-scale convergence of homotopy parametric inversion method on the water quality model parameters calculated was used, with application in parametric inversion calculation of total phosphorus of Beijing Miyun Reservoir. Through calculated and compared the error of sedimentation rate by homotopy parametric inversion method and genetic inversion calculation method, the results indicate that homotopy parametric inversion method has good stability, calculating speed, and even if the initial selection away from the objective function, the solution still has a good convergence.

2009 Vol. 12 (2): 109-111 [Abstract] ( 1327 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 228KB] ( 1480 )
112 Research on infiltration clogging effect and its application prospect in anti-seepage project
HUANG Zhiquan, WANG Gangcheng and ZHANG Guojun

Clogging effect, as a new concept in geological engineering, is a phenomenon of permeability decreasing under seeping in reservoir dam foundation of the alluvial and diluvial deposits with deep and thick layer, coarse particle and high permeability in mountains-gully rivers of Tibetan Plateau. A clogging infiltration instrument has been designed successfully and a series of simulation tests have been done. Based on large amounts of data, it is confirmed that the existence of the clogging effect and the law of infiltration clogging is found out. Three indexes are proposed such as“optimalsize of particle”, “optimalsize range of particle”and“characteristic pore”, which are closely related with effect of infiltration clogging. The concept and results can offer a new idea to solve problems on anti-seepage of dam foundation in mountains-gully rivers environment and to study artificial clogging, meanwhile supp lement of the concept of seepage deformation.

2009 Vol. 12 (2): 112-116 [Abstract] ( 1305 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 287KB] ( 2326 )


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