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Global Geology
2022 Vol.25 Issue.4
Published 2022-11-25

195  Late Triassic flora of the northern part of the Fore-Caspian depression (Kazakhstan) as exemplified by data from the S. Nurzhanov-509 borehole
S. V. Naugolnykh and A. P. Pronin
 The Late Triassic Nurzhanov flora is characterized on the basis of the material originated from the S.Nurzhanov-509 borehole disposed in the northern part of the Fore-Caspian depression, near the City of Atyrau, Republic of Kazakhstan. Taxonomic composition of the Nurzhanov flora includes equisetophytes Neocalamites sp., ferns Phlebopteris hazarensis Naugolnykh et Pronin, Todites sp., Cladophlebis sp., ginkgophytes Ginkgoites spp., conifers Podozamites sp. Palaeophytogeographic status of the Nurzhanov flora is discussed. According to the data obtained, this flora belongs to a transitional zone (an ecotonous belt), which existed between the Euro-Sinian and the Siberian-Canadian palaeofloristic realms during most of the Mesozoic time.

2022 Vol. 25 (4): 195-213 [Abstract] ( 406 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 5920KB] ( 2100 )
214  Glossopterids survived end-Permian mass extinction in North Hemisphere
ZHANG Yi, ZHENG Shaolin,Kamal J. Singh,WANG Yongdong,ZHANG Shanzhen and Anju Saxena
  Recently, more attention has been paid to Glossopteris, the most significant representative fossil of the Gondwanan Supercontinent in the Paleozoic. It has been regarded as an important clade of Angiophytes on the basis of its reproductive organ related to Angiosperms. Since Brongniart erected Glossopteris in 1928, reliable Glossopterids attached by fertile organs were only collected from the Permian Gondwanaland. Here, the authors found a new element of Glossoptetids, Sinoglossa sunii gen et sp. nov., with attached female organs from the Middle Triassic Linjia Formation in Benxi, Northeast China. This demonstrates that Glossoptetids not only distributed in South Hemisphere, but also in North Hemisphere, and successfully survived the end-Permian mass extinction in North Hemisphere. The distinguished environment in Northeast China influenced by both warm and cold currents, probably resulted in the Paleozoic relic elements, such as Glossopterids associated with Lobatannularia successfully survived the end-Permian mass extinction.

2022 Vol. 25 (4): 214-254 [Abstract] ( 420 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 14495KB] ( 2184 )
255  The first occurrence of Scincomorpha lizard from Nenjiang Formation (lower Campanian) of Jilin, Northeast China
YANG Jinyue,WU Wenhao, YU Kaifeng and SONG Qingqing
  Fossil lizards are scarce in Jinlin Province, with only two jaws of Middle Eocene Acrodonta. Here the authors report the first scincomorph lizard materials from the early Campanian Nenjiang Formation in Nong’an, Changchun, Jilin Province. Three tooth morphologies of scincomorph lizards represented by fragmentary dentaries are tentatively identified as Scincomorpha. The morphology of the crowns indicates probably the insectivorous and omnivorous diets of these small lizards. It is the first lizard fossils discovered in the Late Cretaceous of Northeast China, extends the known paleogeographic distribution of scincomorph lizards, and provides new information about the terrestrial vertebrate fauna of the Cretaceous Songliao Basin.

2022 Vol. 25 (4): 255-263 [Abstract] ( 435 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1098KB] ( 3214 )
264  Characteristics of source rocks and paleoenvironment of Longmaxi Formation of Lower Silurian in Western Hubei
WANG Neng,DU Jiangfeng,LIU Rong,ZHANG Kun,YAN Xu and LIU Gaofei
 Through field outcrop survey, lithology observation and systematic sampling, and with the help of scanning electron microscope, rock pyrolysis, biomarker compound test and analysis, the comprehensive analysis of source rock characteristics and paleoenvironment in the study area is carried out. The lithology at the bottom of Longmaxi Formation of Lower Silurian in Western Hubei is mainly dark carbonaceous shale, the mineral composition is mostly clay minerals, quartz and feldspar, the content of illite and kaolinite is high, with a minor amount of strawberry pyrite and graptolite fossils. The test and analysis show that the total organic carbon content (TOC) of the source rock is 0.8%~6.32%, the average value is 3.42%, and the vitrinite reflectance (Ro) is 1.57%~2.95%. The type of organic matter is mainly type Ⅱ2. The overall abundance of organic matter is high, and the degree of thermal evolution has reached the stage of high mature and over mature. All these have become the good material basis and conditions for the formation of shale gas. The paleoenvironment of the source rocks indicates that the organic matter is from a mixed source of planktonic algae and bacteria. The large amount of hopane also indicates that the bacterial activity is strong during the deposition of organic matter. The water body of the ancient lake is freshwater environment as a whole with brackish water environment in some parts. The redox property of the water body fluctuates little, and is generally in a strong reduction environment. The body of water has certain stratification, which is also conducive to the preservation of organic matter, and provides a new direction for oil and gas exploration in Western Hubei.

2022 Vol. 25 (4): 264-276 [Abstract] ( 542 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3572KB] ( 2504 )
277  Characterization of mineral element fingerprints under soilcrop systems in eastern and western rice-producing areas of Jilin Province, China
BU Yuanbo, CAO Shuhe and LI Linze
  To assess the indicative function of the fingerprint characteristics of mineral elements for small agricultural producing areas, 20 sets of soil surface samples and corresponding rice samples were collected from Songyuan and Hunchun of Jilin Province, China. Forty-six mineral elements of brown rice, soil, and rice husk were examined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Ten characteristic elements (Li, Ag, Y, Bi, U, Eu, Er, Rb, Mo and As) were identified via multivariate statistics (Variance importance value analysis and rank sum test in SPSS and SIMCA software packages). The correlation of mineral elements in brown rice, soil, and rice husks of the two sample areas was analyzed and regression analysis models of characteristic mineral elements in brown rice were developed. The results indicate that a correlation exists among brown rice, soil, and rice husks in the same area, and the correlation tests using selected elements showed that all correlation coefficients were 0.65 or above. Differences in brown rice were found between different regions. Consequently, brown rice producing areas can be distinguished by the fingerprint characteristics of mineral elements

2022 Vol. 25 (4): 277-286 [Abstract] ( 492 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 665KB] ( 2302 )
287  Unveiling Ceremony of Academician Li Xingxue’s Former Residence Scientists’ Spiritual Education Base held in Chenzhou of Hunan
SUN Wei and YANG Donghong

2022 Vol. 25 (4): 287-288 [Abstract] ( 528 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 581KB] ( 2049 )


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