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Global Geology
2015 Vol.18 Issue.1
Published 2015-03-25

1 Relationship between CO 2 - bearing fluid and gold mineralization in Haigou gold deposit of Jilin
GAO Song, PENG Xiaolei, SUN Jinggui, FU Lingzhi and WANG Jianyu

Haigou gold deposit is a typical orogenic gold deposit. There are a reasonable amount of fluid inclu- sions in the gold deposit, including three types: CO2 -H2O- NaCl inclusions, pure CO2 inclusions and NaCl- H2O inclusions,of which most of them are CO2 -bearing inclusions. The fluid salinity is 1.43% -9.08%,mainly concentrated in the range of 4.69%-5.41%,the density of CO 2 is 0.69 -0.80 g/cm3 ,indicating that the mineralization fluid is low- medium salinity and low density fluid. A series of studies on gold- bearing quartz vein and fluid inclusions show that there exists a positive correlation between the degree of the gold mi- neralization and the amount of CO2 in the inclusions,which means the more CO2 - bearing inclusions there are,the higher the content of gold is. CO2 is mainly derived from mantle fluid,and the ore- forming fluid should be derived from mantle fluid and the crust shallow fluid. The conclusions have important denotative meaning on the metal- logenic mechanism of orogenic gold deposit and the deep prospecting on metal deposit.

2015 Vol. 18 (1): 1-9 [Abstract] ( 661 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 651KB] ( 2704 )
10 Deformation of ductile cuttings from sandstone in compaction process and experimental study of influence on porosity
GAO Bo, MA Rui, LIU Li, LIU Na and WANG Yang

Deformation of ductile cuttings from sandstone in the mechanical compaction process was designed through the“experimental system of triaxial rock deformation” ,and the influence on porosity was studied by looking into the deformation characteristics of ductile cuttings. The design indexes are as follows: simulated depth 0 -4 000 m,interval depth 500 m,and pressure range 0 -120 MPa at interval of 1. 5 MPa. The experi- mental results show that the porosity decreases as buried depth increases,indicating a negative relationship be- tween them. The amount of compression was mainly obtained by porosity reduction and cutting deformation. De- formation of ductile cuttings is mainly ductile deformation; and deformation of crystal fragments is mainly ex- pressed as brittle fracture, resulting in decrease of particle size. The research is of certain value for the explora- tion and development of oil and gas.

2015 Vol. 18 (1): 10-15 [Abstract] ( 742 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 436KB] ( 1957 )
16 Geochemistry and tectonic significance of volcanic rocks from Qushenla Formation in Gerze area of northern Tibetan Plateau
ZHANG Rui, CHI Xiaoguo, LIU Jianfeng, ZHAO Yuandong, SUN Wei, PAN Shiyu, QUAN Jingyu, FAN Lefu and WANG Limin

By using petrological,isotope chronological,and geochemical methods,the authors studied the vol- canic rocks in the studied area,mainly including dacites and trachytes. The results show that they formed dur- ing the late Early Cretaceous. Geochemically,the volcanic rocks are relatively enriched in large- ion lithophile elements (Rb,K,and Th) and depleted in high field strength elements (Nb,Ta,and Ti),and rich in light rare earth elements, and depleted in heavy rare earth elements. The fact indicates that the main body of the vol- canic rocks in the Qushenla Formation was derived from the partial melting of lower crust. The lithological as- semblages are characterized by continental high- K calc- alkaline and shoshonitic series,suggesting that the southward- subducting oceanic slab in southern Bangong Lake had break off and that the Bangong Lake- Nujiang Ocean had closed before 107 Ma. The main dynamic mechanisms for the genesis of this set of intermediate- acid- ic volcanic rocks were upwelling of the asthenosphere and partial melting of the lower crust caused by slab break- off.

2015 Vol. 18 (1): 16-25 [Abstract] ( 927 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 611KB] ( 2379 )
26 Application of Grey System GM (1, 1) model and unary linear regression model in coal consumption of Jilin Province
TIAN Songlin and LU Laijun

The data on the coal production and consumption in Jilin Province for the last ten years were collect- ed,and the Grey System GM (1, 1) model and unary linear regression model were applied to predict the coal consumption of Jilin Production in 2014 and 2015. Through calculation,the predictive value on the coal con- sumption of Jilin Province was attained,namely consumption of 2014 is 114.84 ×10 6 t and of 2015 is 117.98 × 10 6 t,respectively. Analysis of error data indicated that the predicted accuracy of Grey System GM (1, 1) model on the coal consumption in Jilin Province improved 0.21% in comparison to unary linear regression model.

2015 Vol. 18 (1): 26-31 [Abstract] ( 778 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 238KB] ( 1974 )
32 Simulation and analysis for anthropogenic heat release
WANG Mingchang, Matsushima Dai, NIU Xuefeng, LIANG Liheng and LI Qiyuan

Heat balance of urban ecosystem is a key point for the study of urban climate and micro- climate pat- tern and its change mechanism. Urban heat island effect is becoming increasingly serious,which is mainly caused by the change of the earth's surface cover and the anthropogenic heat release. In this study,the simula- tion experiment for the anthropogenic heat release was designed according to the heat balance principle. A set of buildings of miniature city were used to constitute the residential area,U grooves were applied to simulate the single building,and the fluorescent lamps in the U groove were regarded as the heat sources of the anthropoge- nic heat release. The simulation experiment was launched with long- short wave sun photometer,sonic anemo- thermometer and heat flow gauge in the experiment site. Then the net solar radiation,sensible heat flux and heat flux into the ground were determined. The quantities of the anthropogenic heat release were calculated based on the heat balance principle,and were compared with the theoretical power consumption of the fluores- cent lamps. The root mean square error (RMSE) of the simulation for the anthropogenic heat release reaches 0.078 W ·m-2 ,a comparatively high precision,which showes that the anthropogenic heat release can be accu- rately determined through the simulation experiments. This study provided a scientific method for the purpose of monitoring the anthropogenic heat release.

2015 Vol. 18 (1): 32-40 [Abstract] ( 684 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 697KB] ( 2439 )
41 Statistical analysis of fracture properties based on particle swarm optimization and Pearson correlation coefficient method
ZHOU Yin, FENG Xuan, Enhedelihai, LUO Teng, YANG Xueting and HE Mei

Prediction of reservoir fracture is the key to explore fracture- type reservoir. When a shear- wave prop- agates in anisotropic media containing fracture, it splits into two polarized shear waves: fast shear wave and slow shear wave. The polarization and time delay of the fast and slow shear wave can be used to predict the azimuth and density of fracture. The current identification method of fracture azimuth and fracture density is cross- corre- lation method . It is assumed that fast and slow shear waves were symmetrical wavelets after completely separa- ting,and use the most similar characteristics of wavelets to identify fracture azimuth and density,but in the ex- periment the identification is poor in accuracy. Pearson correlation coefficient method is one of the methods for separating the fast wave and slow wave. This method is faster in calculating speed and better in noise immunity and resolution compared with the traditional cross- correlation method. Pearson correlation coefficient method is a non- linear problem,particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a good nonlinear global optimization method which converges fast and is easy to implement. In this study, PSO is combined with the Pearson correlation coefficient method to achieve identifying fracture property and improve the computational efficiency.

2015 Vol. 18 (1): 41-48 [Abstract] ( 672 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 479KB] ( 2242 )
49 Prediction of application scope of vertical fracture strike based on scattered wave fracture orientation function
TANG Yufei, LIU Yuwei, LIU Xiwu and YANG Guodong

Fracture system plays a very important role in the enrichment and accumulation of oil and gas in the reservoirs. Based on scattering wave information, Fracture Orientation Function (FOF) was built, which can be used to predict the fracture orientations. However,this method has only been verified by physical experiments without studies on the application scope. In this study, based on the linear sliding theory, FOF of the scattering wave was applied to the numerical simulation and the application scope was further studied according to fracture flexibility tensor. According to the fractures filled with gas and liquid, numerical simulation was conducted on the models with various fracture flexibilities. Numerical simulation results were used to inverse fracture orientation with the aid of the FOF of the scattering wave. The results show that it is workable to predict the vertical fracture orientation with the FOF of the scattering wave. Application of this method is more effective when the fractures are filled with gas than liquid. Moreover,the application scope can be predicted by the fracture flexibility.

2015 Vol. 18 (1): 49-53 [Abstract] ( 604 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 373KB] ( 1736 )
54 Detection of UXO magnetic anomaly in Jinshan area
WU Guochao, HUANG Danian, ZHANG Chong and YUAN Yuan

Magnetic survey is one of the most successful techniques for locating buried unexploded ordnances (UXO). For the location and identification of buried UXO in Jinshan area,a total- field magnetic survey is ap- plied. The analytic signal of magnetic field is widely used to outline the boundaries of geology bodies,slightly dependent on the magnetization direction. In order to locate the UXO position,the analytic signal is applied to process the magnetic UXO data,which performs better than the conventional magnetic data. Then a typical UXO anomaly is extracted from the original data to invert for its depth by an improved Euler method proposed. The calculated depth is close to the real buried depth.

2015 Vol. 18 (1): 54-58 [Abstract] ( 618 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 427KB] ( 2396 )
59 Seislet transform denoising based on total variation minimization
ZHANG Peng, LIU Yang, LIU Cai, CUI Fangzi, YANG Xueting and PEI Sijia

Attenuation of noise is a persistent problem in seismic exploration. The authors use conventional de- noising method to remove noise which may cause vibration near the discontinuity called pseudo- Gibbs artifact. In order to remove the artifact,the study proposed a method combining the seislet transform and total variation minimization. Firstly,the data are converted into the seislet transform domain. Secondly,the hard threshold was used for eliminating the noise and keep useful signal,which is the initial input for the next step. Finally, total variation minimization dealed with denoised data to recover boundary information and further eliminated the noise. Synthetic data examples show that the method has feasibility in eliminating random noise and protecting detailed signal,and also shows better results than the classic f- x deconvolution. The field data example also shows effective in practice. It can remove the noise and preserve the discontinuity signal at the same time.

2015 Vol. 18 (1): 59-66 [Abstract] ( 671 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 612KB] ( 2361 )
67 Application of geophysical - geochemical method in verification of stream sediment anomaly in Baoxinggou area of Heilongjiang
LU Yurun,LIU Cai, LI Qinglu, YU Chengwei and ZHANG Donghui

Baoxinggou area is located in northern Daxing'anling. In this area, comprehensive use of geophysical and geochemical exploration methods plays an important role in the prospecting,and has yielded some applica- tion results so far. Based on the 1/100 000 stream sediment anomaly survey, the methods of 1/20 000 soil geo- chemical measurement,trenching engineering on the earth's surface and 1/10 000 IP intermediate gradient survey were all used to verify and decompose drainage anomalies,as well as to find and locate ore bodies. In this way,an effective,economical and quick prospecting method was concluded,which focuses on the middle and lower mountain forest swamp landscape in the northern part of Daxing'anling,and provides reference for the prospecting in the area.

2015 Vol. 18 (1): 67-74 [Abstract] ( 737 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 498KB] ( 1987 )


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