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Global Geology
2014 Vol.17 Issue.2
Published 2014-06-25

67 Lopingian mixed floras from Linxi Formation in Soron area, Inner Mongolia
ZHANG Dejun, SUN Yuewu, DING Haisheng, YANG Zhenyuan and TANG Lijing

A lot of well-preserved plants from the Linxi Formation are collected in the Soron area,Inner Mongo- lia,consisting of 34 species of 16 genera. They are Late Permian in age. The flora is characterized by a lot of Angaran plants,such as Paracalamites,Comia,Rhachiphyllum,Iniopteris,Rufloria,etc. Some Cathaysian ele- ments,such as Lobatannularia lingulata,L. multifolia,Fascipteris Cathaysiantus,F. densata,Taeniopteris szei,Cladophlebis liulinensis and C. permica,are also mixed within the present flora. This indicates that the So- ron of Inner Mongolia was located in the sector between the Angaran and Cathysian floristic provinces in Loping- ian. It is beneficial for depicting the location and the evolution of the Solenker--Xar Moron suture zone in the phytogeographic view. The transmigration of tropical and subtropical Cathaysian plants to the north indicates that the Paleoasian Ocean was closed during the late Permian along the suture zone.

2014 Vol. 17 (2): 67-77 [Abstract] ( 1027 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 776KB] ( 3338 )
78 Characteristics and tectonic setting of volcanic rocks in Early Cretaceous Baiyingaolao Formation of Keyouzhongqi area,Inner Mongolia
KONG Yuanming, MA Rui, HE Zhonghua, YANG Deming, WU Qing and WANG Yang

The authors studied zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating,the zircon Hf isotope and geochemistry of acidic volcanic rocks in Baiyingaolao Formation of Keyouzhongqi area,Inner Mongolia,and discussed the chronology, source region and tectonic setting of the volcanic rocks in the studied area. The clear oscillatory zoning of zir- cons indicates a typical magmatic origin,and the results of dating show that the volcanic rocks of Baiyingaolao Formation were formed in Early Cretaceous (121.5 ±1.0 Ma). The features of major and trace elements show that the rocks are alkali-rich,poor in calcium and magnesium with enrichment in LILEs like Th,U,K and Gd and depletion in HFSEs,e.g. Nb,Ta,Sr and Ti. The fact implies that they were the products of partial melting of the crust. εHf(t) = ( +6.30--+9.06) and TDM2=600--835 Ma,suggest the magma originated from par- tial melting of the young crust. Combined with the evolution of regional tectonic structure,the authors conclude that the acidic volcanic rocks of Baiyingaolao Formation may be formed under the extensional environment relat- ed to the subduction of Paleo-Pacific Plate.

2014 Vol. 17 (2): 78-85 [Abstract] ( 961 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 8459KB] ( 2301 )
86 Geochemistry and tectonic significance of Early Cretaceous granites in Highland 1248 of Daxing'anling
YANG Naifeng, YANG Liting and WANG Chunguang

The Early Cretaceous granitic complex in Highland 1248 of Daxing'anling successively consists of in- truded granodiorite,monzonite granite and syenite granite. Through test analysis on the major,trace and rare earth elements of the intrusive complex,this study focuses on the source characteristics and tectonic environ- ment of the original magma of intrusive complex. The results show that the intrusive rocks in Highland 1248 are meta-aluminous-peraluminous rocks in calc-alkaline series with homologous characteristics in δEu negative anomalies; the complex is enriched in LILE (Rb,Cs and K) and depleted in HFSE (lanthanide,Sc,Y,U, Nb and Ta),displaying the geochemical characteristics of I-type granites in active continental-margin subduc- tion zones. The complex also has the characteristics of granites after the collision of plate with rich aluminum and high potassium,but significantly depleted Nb,Ta,Ti,P and other elements,i. e. in the orogenic evolu- tionary stage. The zircon U-Pb SHRIMP isotopic apparent age of the complex in Highland 1248 is 140. 0--141. 0 Ma,and the formation time is in Early Cretaceous.

2014 Vol. 17 (2): 86-98 [Abstract] ( 982 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2152KB] ( 1774 )
99 Mix design and expansion behavior of sulpho-aluminate expansive cementitious composite
MAN Teng, WANG Boxin, JIN Henan and QIU Jianhui

Sulpho-aluminate expansive cementitious composite is proved to be one of the most effective ways to prevent concrete cracking too soon. Mix design of sulpho-aluminate expansive cementitious composite complete- ly depends on experience and experiments at present. This method ignores the influence of expansion behavior which hinders the application of sulpho-aluminate expansive cementitious composite. The workability,free ex- pansion property,flexural strength and compressive strength of sulpho-aluminate expansive cementitious com- posite have been investigated by tests. The relationship between expansion ratio and mix design parameters such as curing age,water-cement ratio and cement abundance coefficient is deduced according to the experimental statistics. A new simplified approach to mix design of sulpho-aluminate expansive cementitious composite is pro- posed as a reference for construction application,which avoids experiments and experience.

2014 Vol. 17 (2): 99-104 [Abstract] ( 950 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 247KB] ( 2221 )
105 An algorithm for multi-exponential inversion of T2spectrum in nuclear magnetic resonance
HAN Chunjiang, REN Li and WANG Zhuwen

NMR logging can provide the permeability parameter and abundant stratigraphical information such as total porosity,oil,gas and water saturation,oil viscosity,etc. And these physical parameters can be ob- tained by T2spectrum inversion. NMR inversion is an important part in logging interpretation. The authors de- scribe a multi-exponential inversion algorithm,solid iteration redress technique (SIRT),and apply the algo- rithm in real data and compare the results with those based on singular value decomposition (SVD). It shows that SIRT algorithm is easier to be understood and implemented,and the time spent in SIRT is much shorter than that of SVD algorithm. And the non-negative property of T2spectrum is much easier to be implemented. It can match the results based on SVD very well. SIRT algorithm can be used in T2spectrum inversion for NMR analysis.

2014 Vol. 17 (2): 105-109 [Abstract] ( 1042 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1589KB] ( 2839 )
110 Application of Fractional Fourier Transform in seismic data denoising
ZHANG Zongbao and LIU Cai

Data processing is a basic and crucial factor in seismic exploration,which can influence the effect of subsequent processing directly. Thus the selection of appropriate method for data processing is one of the most important tasks throughout the work. By simulating,the authors analyze and compare Fractional Fourier Trans- form (FRFT) and Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD),then summarize the similarities and advantages and dis- advantages of the two methods. The results reveal that FRFT is more effective and suitable for application in seismic exploration than WVD.

2014 Vol. 17 (2): 110-114 [Abstract] ( 976 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 430KB] ( 3147 )
115 Study on virtual source method under complex overburden in horizontal well
WANG Le, HAN Liguo, LIU Yanqiu and XU Zhuo

In conventional seismic exploration,complex overburden prevents us from imaging the deeper under- ground structure,because near-surface velocity model cannot be efficiently simplified and accurately estab- lished. The virtual source method provides a promising solution,which images below a complex overburden without the knowledge of overburden velocities and near-surface changes. In this paper,the authors simulate the forward modeling under complex overburden with sources on the surface and receivers in the horizontal well, and reset the real sources into the horizontal well using the virtual source method,which subtly avoid the distor- tion effects of the complex overburden. Finally the underground structure can be imaged using Kirchhoff migra- tion,so the feasibility and advantages of the virtual source method are verified.

2014 Vol. 17 (2): 115-119 [Abstract] ( 1002 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 851KB] ( 2142 )
120 Study of seismic spectrum decomposition based on CEEMD
LIU Shuang and HAN Liguo

Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is a powerful tool of time-frequency analysis. EMD decompo- ses a signal into a series of sub-signals,called Intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). Each IMF contains different frequency components which can deal with the nonlinear and non-stationary of signal. Complete ensemble em- pirical mode decomposition (CEEMD) is an improved algorithm,which can provide an accurate reconstruction of the original signal and better spectral separation of the modes. The authors studied the decomposition result of a synthetic signal obtained from EMD and CEEMD. The result shows that the CEEMD has suitability in spec- trum decomposition time-frequency analysis. Compared with traditional methods,a higher time-frequency reso- lution is obtained through verifying the method on both synthetic and real data.

2014 Vol. 17 (2): 120-126 [Abstract] ( 921 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 531KB] ( 3351 )


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