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2012 Vol.15 No.4
Published 25 December 2012


257 LIANG Bensheng, LI Xujun, FAN Wenliang, WEN Zhimin and JIANG Shenguang
Geological and geochemical indicators and predication of deep-seated ore bodies in Jiudian gold deposit of Pingdu, Shandong Province
2012 Vol. 15 (4): 257-264 [Abstract] ( 1155 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 888KB] ( 1104 )
265 ZHI Qingong, ZHAO Yizhong, CHENG Yuanfang, SUN Dexu and DU Peng
Finite element simulation on percolation of low permeability reservoir with permeability anisotropy
2012 Vol. 15 (4): 265-269 [Abstract] ( 1082 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 213KB] ( 1042 )
270 CHUAI Yuanyuan, ZHOU Donghong, LV Dingyou, WANG Mingchen and LI Ying
Velocity anomaly analysis on low-amplitude structure and its application in Bohai Sea: a case study on QHD33-1S structure
2012 Vol. 15 (4): 270-275 [Abstract] ( 988 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 596KB] ( 1606 )
276 HAN Lili, XU Huiwen, CAO Pinlu, YU Dahui and P. G. Talalay
Research on viscosity testing method of ultra-low temperature drilling fluids for Polar glacier drilling
2012 Vol. 15 (4): 276-280 [Abstract] ( 1423 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 296KB] ( 1406 )
281 ZHU Baojian and DAI Weiming
Application of wavelet transform modulus maxima in Boundary detection of potential fields
2012 Vol. 15 (4): 281-285 [Abstract] ( 1280 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 798KB] ( 1141 )
286 YAO Kang, WANG Changming, XING Yudong, LI Shibo and YANG Lina
Variability and correlation analysis of physical and mechanical indexes of loess in western Liaoning
2012 Vol. 15 (4): 286-290 [Abstract] ( 1016 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1295KB] ( 979 )
291 XU Wenming, ZHAO Shuyun and WANG Gangcheng
Research on effect of clogging process on permeability of loose dam foundation of plateau reservoir
2012 Vol. 15 (4): 291-296 [Abstract] ( 1080 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1306KB] ( 1226 )
291 ZOU Ran, FAN Jianhua, CHEN Jianping and XIAO Yunhua
Suitability planning of urban underground space exploiting based on extenics of Kunming City
2012 Vol. 15 (4): 291-296 [Abstract] ( 1006 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 336KB] ( 968 )
302 TIAN Zhishan
Geochemical characteristics of reservoir after water and polymer flooding in Xingshugang oilfield of Daqing
2012 Vol. 15 (4): 302-310 [Abstract] ( 941 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 463KB] ( 957 )
311 SUN Wei, HAN Yongji
2012 Vol. 15 (4): 311-311 [Abstract] ( 191 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 142KB] ( 296 )
2012 Vol.15 Nos.1~4 CONTENTS
2012 Vol. 15 (4): 312-314 [Abstract] ( 127 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 158KB] ( 300 )



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