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2012 Vol.15 No.3
Published 25 September 2012

191 Аnisimova,N.K. Gelety,A.Y.Anisimov,Т.А.Dol'nik and Thomas de Boisgrollier
Sedimentary Precambrian deposits in southwestern Transbaikalia ( Siberia) : phytoliths content,lateral correlations and geodynamics
2012 Vol. 15 (3): 191-203 [Abstract] ( 1168 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2215KB] ( 2661 )
204 Khomich V. G.and Boriskina N.G.
Deep-seated geodynamics and position of Platinum-bearing basite-ultrabasite massifs of southeast Russia
2012 Vol. 15 (3): 204-209 [Abstract] ( 1126 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1145KB] ( 2376 )
210 CHEN Huie,SHI Mingyuan and GUO Zhen
Comparative analysis on soil engineering classifications of China and America
2012 Vol. 15 (3): 210-215 [Abstract] ( 1512 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1121KB] ( 5498 )
216 ZHANG Jun,CHEN Hui'e,CHEN Zongfang,YAN Huan,SHI Mingyuan and CAI Chengqiu
Experimental research on variation of porosity in destruction process of cement stabilized soil
2012 Vol. 15 (3): 216-220 [Abstract] ( 1423 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 397KB] ( 1936 )
221 YANG Zhishuang,XI Panpan and JIN Jianfu
Landslide stability for Shuitianba in the Three Gorges area
2012 Vol. 15 (3): 221-224 [Abstract] ( 963 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 227KB] ( 2037 )
225 LIU Lei,FAN Jianhua and CHEN Jianping
Research on natural resources and environmental geology for urban sustainable development: a case study of Kunming
2012 Vol. 15 (3): 225-230 [Abstract] ( 998 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 312KB] ( 2087 )
231 LIU Guochao,LI Guangjie and YANG Lina
Risk assessments of debris flow based on improved analytic hierarchy process and efficacy coefficient method
2012 Vol. 15 (3): 231-236 [Abstract] ( 1044 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 251KB] ( 2436 )
237 WANG Zijian,LI Guangjie,YOU Bing and BAO Shuochao
Application of probability integral method in ground deformation prediction
2012 Vol. 15 (3): 237-240 [Abstract] ( 1113 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 386KB] ( 1886 )
241 YANG Fang,SUN Youhong,BAI Fengtian and WANG Qiuwen
Design of a new bionic diamond bit and its experimental study
2012 Vol. 15 (3): 241-244 [Abstract] ( 953 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 416KB] ( 2038 )
245 MENG Di,MA Tianming,GENG Changwei and SUN Youhong
Test method and experimental research on resistance of oil shale under high temperature
2012 Vol. 15 (3): 245-251 [Abstract] ( 982 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 643KB] ( 2273 )
252 WANG Xianfeng, and MO Xiuwen
Research on compound plugging removal technology and its application in Xinmu oilfield of Jilin
2012 Vol. 15 (3): 252-256 [Abstract] ( 1159 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 208KB] ( 1952 )



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