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Global Geology
2010 Vol.13 Issue.2
Published 2010-06-25

61 Geology and geochem istry of Huanggangliang stra tabound skarn deposit in InnerMongolia, China
WANG Changming

Over the recent three decades, exploration of a large-size Sn-Fe polymetallic ore deposit at the Huanggangliang, the Da Hinggan Mountains, Inner Mongolia, China, has been largely focused on the premise that the mineralization represents epigenetic magmatic hydrothermal ore deposit in genetic connection with the Mesozoic magmatism. The Huanggangliang Sn-Fe polymetallic ore deposits occurred in Permian strata, with silt-stone /marble of the Zhesi Formation and spilite / andesite / tuff of the Dashizhai Formation. The characteristics of geological and geochemical data demonstrated that sedimentary hydrothermal mineralization occurred during the basin evolution at the Permian, rather than representing epigenetic magmatic hydrothermal genesiswith the following evidences. The ore-bearing skarns are stratiform with underlying metasedimentary rocks and overlying volcanic sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary hydrothermal textures and structures are observed in the stratabound ore-bearing skarn such as bedded-laminated skarn and magnetite ores with small-size folding or soft deformation, synsedimentary breccia of skarn and magnetite ores and concentric shell structure ofmagnetite ores. So the stratabound ore-bearing skarns associated with magnetite ore and micro-disseminated tin, are peculiar examp les of exhalite. The REE contents of the stratabound ore-bearing skarns display ΣLREE-rich ( 36.91 ×10-6 ) but ΣHREE-depletion (6.42 ×10-6 ) , with positive Eu anomaly ( Eu / Eu* 1.28) and negative Ce anomaly (Ce / Ce * 0.88) , which is totally different from REE pattern of the Huanggang magmatic rocks(with ΣREE 277.73 ×10-6 , ΣLREE 220.24 ×10-6 , ΣHREE 57.49 ×10-6 , Eu /Eu * 0.06, Ce / Ce * 1.52) , which is comparable with modern sea-floor hydrothermal fluid, sedimentary hydrothermal ore deposit and associated hydrothermal sedimentary rocks. Calcite samples with δ13 CPDB from -5.400 ‰ to -4.397 ‰ and δ18OSMOW from 9.095 ‰ to 9.364 ‰ in the stratabound ore-bearing skarns show sedimentary hydrothermal genesis of the Huanggangliang deposit. This proposition is useful not only for interpretation of the genesis of the Huanggangliang large Sn-Fe polymetallic ore deposit but also significant formineral exploration in the area especially for finding large deposits caused by sedimentary exhalative mineralization processes.

2010 Vol. 13 (2): 61-69 [Abstract] ( 1562 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1018KB] ( 2547 )
70 Geochemistry of solvable organic matter from source rocks in Shangkuli Formation of Labuda lin Basin
GAO Fuhong, GAO Hongmei, FAN Fu and YANG Yang

A suit of lacustrine source rocks are developed in volcanic deposits in the Shangkuli Formation of the Cretaceous. However, it is poor to understand the characteristics of source rocks due to the low degree of explo- ration, thus the exploration is severely constrained in this area. Based on the geochemical analysis, the analytic technique of GC and GC-MS, combined with the characteristics of solvable organic matter and biomarkers of the source rocks, the authors discussed the depositional environment, the derivation of the matrix and the maturity characteristics of the organic material of the Shangkuli Formation in Cretaceous. The results show that the organic matter mainly belongs to type Ⅱ1 kerogen, whose abundance is relatively high; it was formed in reductive surrounding where was deep-lake; the hydrocarbon is characterized by mixed-source of organic matter. The thermal evolution of source rocks had reached maturation stage.

2010 Vol. 13 (2): 70-74 [Abstract] ( 1386 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 626KB] ( 2564 )
75 Study on mechanism of circumferential cracks in cold-region tunnels
ZHOU Lincong, ZHENG Yifeng and LI Zhong

There exists frost damage in cold-region tunnels. The circumferential cracks affect the function of tunnels. Using three-dimensional finite elementmethod, the authors analyzed the mechanism of circumferential cracks in cold-region tunnels It is proved that the internal thermal stress in lining exceeds the tensile strength of concrete, which is the direct cause for circumferential cracks occurring. The laws of thermal stress in lining induced by parameters such as temperature drop, horizontal drag coefficient and length of lining are analyzed. The conclusions are valuable to the design and construction of cold-region tunnels considering the thermal stress.

2010 Vol. 13 (2): 75-78 [Abstract] ( 1804 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 362KB] ( 3224 )
79 Experimental study on improving collapsible loess with cement
SHAN Bo, WANG Changming, DONG Quanyang, TANG Ling, ZHANG Guangyi and WEI J

The collap sibility of loess ground can directly affect stability of subgrade. Therefore, how to adopt practical technical measures to reduce or eliminate its collapse deformation is an important content in foundation design in collapsible loess zone. Selecting collapsible loess from Fuxin-Chaoyang highway in Liaoning, the authors conducted a series of tests for improving loess with cement. The loess in different water content was mixed with the cement in varying proportions, unconfined compression strength for the samples at four different curing periods were tested, and the relationships of improved soil strength among cement mixture ratio and curing periods were analyzed. When the curing periods are certain, the strength of loess increases along with the mixture ratio increases; when the cement mixture ratio is 5% -15% , the scope of increases is quite obvious; when the mixture ratio is greater than 15% , the tendency of intensity increases turns slow. When the mixture ratio for the specimen is certain, the intensity of the test specimen increases along with the curing period increases, the intensity grows obviously in 28 days, and the growth rate is small in 28-90 days, the intensity tends to be steady in the curing period of 90 days.

2010 Vol. 13 (2): 79-84 [Abstract] ( 1798 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 288KB] ( 4017 )
85 Drillhole high-pressure packer permeability test for underground powerhouse in Pushihe pumped storage hydro-plant
TIAN Zuoyin, CHEN Li, REN Xiangyu and LI Zhanjun

Usually the water head of the pumped storage hydro-plant is high, generally up to 400-500 m, therefore the rock mass under the high-pressure bifurcation pipe have to bear as high as millions Pascal water pressure, in according with the requirements of high water head pumped storage hydro-plant should be 1.2 times of the water head special high-pressure packer permeability test compared with normal to test the permeability of rock and rock cleavage pressure value. The test results on the choice of design options often play a decisive role. Based on the engineering practice, the authors studied the drillhole high-pressure packer permeability test in the pumped storage hydro-plant's underground powerhouse, by the analysis of test results, this article offers a demonstration of the deformation of rock fracture witch under building in the condition of high-pressure water head, it provides a more detailed engineering geological background.

2010 Vol. 13 (2): 85-89 [Abstract] ( 1677 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 724KB] ( 3008 )
90 Characteristics of v ibration liquefaction of satura ted medium sandy soil with silt
HUANG Rui, ZHANG Yanjun and GONG Liliang

In order to understand and master the dynamic characteristics of sandy soil with different silt contents, the authors carried out many indoor dynamic triaxial tests for five groups of sandy with silt which took from Panjin and Xiamen. Under the conditions of consolidation pressure of 100 kPa, 200 kPa, 300 kPa, stationary vibration frequency H = 1 and cyclic loading, the authors found that the effective cohesion increases and the effective internal friction angle decreases with the increase of the silt contents. During the liquefied scope, the cementation and the strength have been increased with the increase of the silt contents.

2010 Vol. 13 (2): 90-93 [Abstract] ( 1412 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 284KB] ( 2272 )
94 Seismic response analysis of organic reef in gentle slope of rift basin
WANG Qing and GUO Shiguang

Analyzing the formation and sediment characteristics of gentle slope, the authors elaborate formation mechanism of organic reef and characteristics of reservoir in gentle slope of rift basin. Using the forward model of seismic exploration, the study provides the objective judgment for the exploration of organic reef reservoir in gentle slope of rift basin.

2010 Vol. 13 (2): 94-98 [Abstract] ( 1267 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 876KB] ( 2527 )
99 Study of numerical simulation on dual-frequency IP method with FEM
LIN Jiayong, DING Maobin, TANG Jingtian and YAN Hong

Using the finite element method and Cole-Cole model for dual-frequency IP method to research numerical simulation, the authors introduced the fundamental principle of the dual-frequency IP method and the boundary value problem and variational equations, then replaced the complex resistivity of the model with the Cole-Cole model's parameters under ignoring the EM effect. Through solving the last linear equations, electric potentials of all the model's points were obtained. With changing model's parameters, the authors got different curves of the Fs and phases. According to the results of the simulation, the algorithm is proved to be correct and adaptable.

2010 Vol. 13 (2): 99-103 [Abstract] ( 1403 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 758KB] ( 1945 )
104 Global influenza in cold phase of Pacific Decade Oscillation
YANG Donghong, YANG Debin and YANG Xuexiang

Based on the study of the cold phase of the Pacific Decade Oscillation, pandemic influenza is related to climate. The relation of low temperature, Pacific Decade Oscillation, strongest earthquake, Influenza, hurricane and El Nino is researched in this study. In the cold period of Pacific Decade Oscillation, the strongest earthquake, hurricane with La Nina, Pandemic Influenza with El Nino will occur stronger and stronger. From 1950 to 1976, the strongest dust-storm is connected with Pandemic Influenza one by one. So, dust-storm is one of factors to sp read pandemic influenza viruses.

2010 Vol. 13 (2): 104-107 [Abstract] ( 1624 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 173KB] ( 1959 )
108 Modification of HDPE filling with pelagic clay
ZHAO Liang, ZHANG Peiping, ZHANG Dongli, LIU Xuesong and LU Huahua

In order to improve the properties of HDPE, the authors used the method of suspended diffusion for purification the pelagic clay, used silane coupling agent to increase its organic activation, and prepared the composites of organic pelagic clay/HDPE bymelting them in different conditions. The affections of process conditions and quantity of pelagic clay to the properties of composites were analyzed by testing their mechanical properties, thermo stability and barrier properties. According to test the structure of composites, it is indicated that pelagic clay has good compatibility with HDPE. The result shows that the pelagic clay can improve mechanical properties, thermo stability and barrier properties of HDPE properties effectively.

2010 Vol. 13 (2): 108-112 [Abstract] ( 1379 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 298KB] ( 1925 )


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