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Global Geology
2009 Vol.12 Issue.3
Published 2009-09-25

117 Palynoflora of Wulaga dinosaur site in Jiayin ( Zeya-Bureya Basin, China)
V. S. Markevich, E. V. Bugdaeva and SUN Ge,

The palynological assemblage from Wulaga dinosaur site in Jiayin from southeastern Zeya-Bureya Basin was studied. The high content of pteridophytes spores is characteristic for this assemblage. The further characters are in decrease of abundance-tricolpate pollen, Ginkgocycadophytus, pollen of Taxodiaceae, Cup ressaceae and Taxaceae ( TCT) , bisaccate pollen of Pinaceae, and triporate pollen. The bone-bearing burials of Wulaga dinosaur site formed under conditions of vast swampy river valley covered by ferns and taxodialeans. Tricolpate pollen, produced by plants, close to those of Platanaceae, Fagaceae, Betulaceae, and Juglandaceae, counts in favor of valley river open canopy forests.

2009 Vol. 12 (3): 117-121 [Abstract] ( 1702 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 697KB] ( 2932 )
122 Heterogenous zircons from Mesozoic igneous rocks in the North China Craton and their tectonic implications
MIAO Laicheng, FAN Weiming, ZHANG Fuqin and LIU Dunyi

Based on a synthesis of zircon inheritance from Mesozoic igneous rocks in the eastern portion of the North China Craton (NCC) , it is proposed that inherited zircons with Neoproterozoic ages identified from these rocks are of a heterogenous derivation from the Yangtze /South China block, rather than from the NCC itself. The mechanism that introduces these zircons incorporated into the NCC is likely by tectonic underplating during the Triassic continental subduction of the Yangtze block beneath the NCC. Tectonic addition of abundant crustal materials represented by the heterogenous zircons into the NCC, probably along Moho or weak interfaces within the NCC's crust, led to the crustal thickening in the NCC. These heterogenous materials, either as ( partial) source rocks or as contaminants of the magmas generated during an extension environment following the crustal thickening, were reworked and therefore have significant contribution to petrogenesis of the Mesozoic igneous rocks. The crustal thickening resulted from the tectonic underplating, as indicated by the distribution extent of the heterogenous zircons, is spatially similar to that of the lithospheric thinning, with both mainly occurring in the eastern segment of the NCC. This is probably suggestive of an intrinsic relation between the thickening and thinning events during the Mesozoic evolution of the NCC.

2009 Vol. 12 (3): 122-133 [Abstract] ( 1395 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1007KB] ( 2521 )
134 Gold and tin of fluid-magmatic systems : causes of combination-separation of concentration elements
I. I. Fatyanov and V. G. Khomich

The aim of the investigation is to reveal possible causes of isolation and co-occurrence of the economically significant concentrations of gold and tin. Comparative analysis of the different-rank factors that influenced migration and concentration of these elements show that different geochemical properties of Au and Sn are responsible for isolation of their big concentrations giving rise to independent metallogenic provinces, zones, and ore nodes. These differences resulted in individualization of the element migration ways to the level of ore concentration within the fluid-magmatic columns. Three main factors influenced the Au and Sn migration activity: different patterns of metal connection with the melt structure, different relation with oxygen, and different relation with other strong oxidizers. By the moment when ore-bearing fluid became isolated from magmas, the metallogenic signature of the melts, contrasting in redox-potential, had already been defined that was confirmed by the fact that tin ores associate predominantly with the granitoids of ilmenite series and gold ores with those of magnetite series. The fluid-magmatic systemswith an intermediate degree of the melt reduction-oxidation may be considered the potential producers of the combined metal concentrations. In these cases, the combined concentrating of tin and gold is plagued by an opposite direction of the oxidation-reduction reactions when their most common minerals are formed: the main migration form of Sn+2 must be oxidized (with cassiterite portioning) , and the forms of Au+ or Au+3 must be reduced (with native gold portioning) . Probably, because of this the combined tin and gold concentrations are dominated by one of the metals with a tendency of accumulation in different-stage mineral complexes.

2009 Vol. 12 (3): 134-144 [Abstract] ( 1359 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 851KB] ( 2282 )
145 Abrupt uplift of Tibetan Plateau a t the end of early Pleistocene and Australasian impact event
REN Shoumai, L IU Yongjiang and GE Xiaohong

The latest sharp uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent mountains occurred at the end of the early Pleistocene. The uplift of the Plateau resulted from Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic comp ressional structure due to the subduction of the Indian Plate beneath the Asian continent. This event definitively effected the formation of basin-mountain relief, Cenozoic basin deformation, large scale aridity and desertification of western China. The Australasian meteorites impact event happened ca. 0.8 Ma ago, located in the triangle area of the Indian Ocean ridge (20°S/67°E) . The impact may have resulted in an acceleration of speeding of the Indian Ocean ridge pushing the Indian Plate to subduct rapidly northward. Thus, the impact event can give reasonable explanation for the dynamic background of the latest rapid uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the continental deformation of western China and even of the Middle Asia.

2009 Vol. 12 (3): 145-155 [Abstract] ( 1888 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1818KB] ( 3685 )
156 Chracteristics and formation setting of granodiorite in Zhalute County, Inner Mongolia
ZHAO Qingying, LI Chunfeng, WANG Guoliang and LI Xuefei

Based on field investigation and study of petrology, mineralogy, geochemistry and isotopic geochronology for the granodiorite, the authors discussed the formation setting of the granodiorite. The pluton is calci alkalic and peraluminous granite in which light rare earth elements (LREE) are intensively enriched, heavy rare earth elements are relatively poor, the ratio of LREE to heavy rare earth elements (HREE) is 7. 12, and the fractionation of REE is good. The pluton formed in late orogenic setting which is relatively steady.

2009 Vol. 12 (3): 156-159 [Abstract] ( 1379 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 415KB] ( 1821 )
160 Analysis of petroleum hydrocarbons in mangrove sediments of Red Sea of Yemen
Nabil A. AL-SHWAFI, Abdulhakim AL-KHOLIDI, Aref M. O. AL-JABALI, and N

A field work has been carried out to identify the occurrence of oil and oil products pollution in mangrove sediment from Red Sea of Yemen. The concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons is from 700 ng/g at Kamaran Island station to 400 ng/g at Al-Hodiedah station, and the total organic carbon ( TOC) in samples ranges from 0.07% at Dhubab station to 0.03% at Kamaran Island station. This pollution is as a result of localized oil pollution and /or heavy ship traffic in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.

2009 Vol. 12 (3): 160-163 [Abstract] ( 1404 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 223KB] ( 2727 )
164 Underground water quality model inversion of genetic algorithm
MA Ruijie and LI Xin

The underground water qualitymodel with non-linear inversion problem is illposed, and boils down to solving the minimum of nonlinear function. Genetic algorithms are adopted in a number of individuals of groups by iterative search to find the optimal solution of the problem, the encoding strings as its operational objective, and achieving the iterative calculations by the genetic operators. It is an effective method of inverse problems of groundwater, with incomparable advantages and practical significances.

2009 Vol. 12 (3): 164-167 [Abstract] ( 1225 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 180KB] ( 2161 )
168 Shaking table tests and numerical simulation of dynamic properties of underground structures
ZHOU Lincong, ZHENG Yifeng and PAN Shunchun

It is considered that the damage of the underground structures caused by earthquakes is minor for a long time. However, the catastrophic damages induced by several recent earthquakes ( e. g. Kobe earthquake in 1995) revealed that the study on the dynamic properties of the underground structures is indispensable. The dynamic behavior and damage mechanism of underground structure are analyzed by using shaking table tests ( both shallow- and deep-buried) and numerical simulation ( 3D FEM) including horizontal and vertical input motions, individually and simultaneously. From the results, the underground structure collapsed due to strong horizontal forces although vertical deformation is not negligible. The vertical excitation increases the response of structure, especially the stress and shear stress at the upper section; the soil influenced the property of soil-structure system. In the same excitation, the response in shallow-buried test is larger than deep case. Both overburden and vertical earthquake play important roles in the response of structure and those are two critical aspects in the design of the large-span underground structures, such as subway stations.

2009 Vol. 12 (3): 168-173 [Abstract] ( 1335 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 360KB] ( 2478 )
174 Experimenta l study on ultrasonic propagation in water-based bentonite slurry
LAN Kai and YAN Taining

Drilling fluid is a common flushingmedium used in pile foundation, geological drilling and petroleum drilling. Study on ultrasonic propagation properties in drilling fluid is of vital importance, not only for developing equipments to non-contact measuring concrete casting level for bored pile, but also for developing equipments considering drilling fluid as signal channel. The existence of clay particlesmakes the ultrasonic propagation and attenuation in drilling fluid much different from pure water. In order to know the relation among ultrasound frequency, slurry density and depth, a series of laboratory experiments about ultrasound propagation in water-based bentonite slurry were finished. Wavelet method was adopted to process the gained original waves of ultrasonic propagation in slurry, so we knew the velocity and attenuation coefficient of ultrasound propagated in different drilling fluids with different density. The first group experiments shows that with density of drilling fluid increase, ultrasonic velocity will decrease but attenuation coefficient will increase if ultrasonic frequency keep constant. The second group experiments shows that the power of ultrasound will intensify in small bore hole, the attenuation coefficient ismuch smaller than theoretical value.

2009 Vol. 12 (3): 174-178 [Abstract] ( 1727 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 551KB] ( 4306 )
179 Study on slope reliability method Response Surface Method based on Morgenstern-Pr ice Method
RONG Fan, CHEN Li, YU Yanxin and Tian Shouqi

The combination of Morgenstern-Price Method (MPM) with Response Surface Method (RSM) improves the conventional RSM by replacing Finite-Element Method ( FEM) with MPM, which is a type of reliability analysis method-RSM based on MPM, and makes the computing process simpler. The stability of the slope was reevaluated by use of Monte Carlo method (MCM) and the result contrasted with the fore is the conclusion. The reliability analysis of the artificial slope in Donggang Power Station was carried on, and obtained the reliable characteristics, which provided basis for the project.

2009 Vol. 12 (3): 179-182 [Abstract] ( 1363 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 319KB] ( 1988 )


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