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Global Geology
2009 Vol.12 Issue.4
Published 2009-12-25

183 Characteristics and evolution of lacustrine turbidite of Chang-7Member of Yanchang Formation in northern Shaanxi
PANG Jungang, L I Wenhou, and XIAO L i

Lacustrine turbidite of Chang-7 Member in the studied area consists of siltstone and fine sandstone with respect to grain size, which is feldspathic lithic sandstone, syrosem arkose and arkose with respect to mineral constitution affected by provenance. There are such apparent signatures as lithology, sedimentary structure, sedimentary sequence and well logs, to recognize turbidite. During the paleogeographic evolution of Chang-7 Member, lake basin and deep lake are both at their maximum extent during Chang-73 stage, resulting in the deposition of Zhangjiatan shale with widesp read extent and of turbidite with fragmental2like. Deep lake line is gradually moving toward lake center and turbidite sand bodies are gradually turning better with better lateral continuity, connectivity and more thickness, from stages of Chang-73 , Chang-72 and Chang-71 , which can be favorable reservoir in deep-water.

2009 Vol. 12 (4): 183-188 [Abstract] ( 1478 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 796KB] ( 3005 )
189 Study on deep structure in Ailaoshan region based on aeromagnetic interpretations
PENG Yuanyuan, L I Shichao, LU Laijun, L IU Guangsheng and WU Jun

Linear and circular interpretation structure maps of different relative depths are obtained by processing 1: 200000 aeromagnetic data to the pole in Ailaoshan region, interpreting upward extension of 4 heights, extracting a vertical second derivative line of 0 value and a series of calculations. Concealed boundary of deep magnetic rocks can be delineated according to the maps. On the basis of the conclusions above, a set of economical and practical methods to graph the deep structure are summarized. In addition, the relationship between deep structure and mineralization positions is discussed.

2009 Vol. 12 (4): 189-193 [Abstract] ( 1673 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1446KB] ( 2341 )
194 Investigation of forest-resources potential of Selenge River Basin on transboundary territory of the Republic of Buryatia and Mongolia
S. D. Puntsukova

The author studied the issues of the present-day status of forest resources and forest management of the Selenge River Basin on the transboundary territory of the Buryat Republic and Mongolia. It is necessary to establish a good policy for wood cutting of the main and secondary use and reforestation.

2009 Vol. 12 (4): 194-199 [Abstract] ( 1400 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 223KB] ( 2393 )
200 Outburst mechanism of Yindapu Glacial Lake in Tibet
ZHUANG Shuyu, L I Guangjie, CHEN Guoyu and SHU Youfeng

At present, the mechanism research on glacial lake outburst mainly focuses on the ice quake and ice landslide, etc. To some glacial lakes, the seepage deformation is the dominant factor in outburst process. Taking the Yindapu Glacial Lake in Tibet as an example, using SEEP/W module of FEM software ( GEO-STUDIO) , the authors analyzed seepage stability of terminalmoraine ridge dam. The leading role of seepage deformation in some glacial lake outburst mechanism is proposed and proved.

2009 Vol. 12 (4): 200-203 [Abstract] ( 1599 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 460KB] ( 2212 )
204 Research and development on foam breaking and recycling technology in air-foam drilling
CAO Pinlu, ZHANG Jincheng, WU Xia and HUANG Jinyun

In recent years, air-foam combining the advantages of both liquid and air drilling has been utilized as a drilling medium. Air-foam drilling has proved its efficiency in numerous situations where serious problems were encountered, such as in fractured formations and depleted or high permeable zones. However, the major disadvantage of air-foam drilling system is that the foam can only be used once, so that an extremely large pit is required to contain the foam to allow sufficient room for cuttings and for the foam to dissipate. Moreover, it needs enormous volume prepared, consuming abundance of water and ingredient additives, which results in the high cost of foam drilling. The recycling foam fluid by using foam breaking technology is the only effective method to solve these problems associated with the known foam drilling. Various types of equipment and technique have been employed to suppress foam formation in biological and process equipment in foam drilling. The study described various methods of foam breaking technology, and the trend of the foam breaking technology for foam drilling is discussed.

2009 Vol. 12 (4): 204-209 [Abstract] ( 1945 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 510KB] ( 4644 )
210 Finite element ana lysis for blasting law of jointed rock mass
YU Qingyang, NIE Lei and ZHOU Nengjuan

On the basis of Mises strength theory, rock models are built including vertical, horizontal and diagonal joints to simulate jointed rock mass under blasting load by using FEM. The dynamic procedures of jointed rock mass under blasting are quantified and the effective stress-time curves of typical elements are compared to analyze the barrier of joints to the stresswave. The blasting law was studied according to the process of computer simulation and the effect of blasting, and some suggestions were given for solving the problems of overbreak and underbreak.

2009 Vol. 12 (4): 210-214 [Abstract] ( 1473 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 837KB] ( 2354 )
215 Stability evaluation and protection of slope for Laosongling-Yanji Highway
Aref M.O. AL-JABALI, NIE Lei, ZHOU Nengjuan, SHEN Shiwei and XU Yan

The authors analyzed the engineering geological characteristics of the slope of the study area (K75 + 8402K76 + 340) . Two typical cross-sections have been chosen to analyze the failure modes after the excavation of the highway. Different types of the failure modes have been calculated and analyzed. The results show that some dealing methods have been advised to ensure the stability of the slopes.

2009 Vol. 12 (4): 215-220 [Abstract] ( 1492 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 389KB] ( 2030 )
221 Nonlinear morphologica l characteristics of debris flow in Dongcheng area of Helong, Jilin
WANG Qian, LI Guangjie, WANG Liancheng, ZHENG Baigong and LI Ming

Helong City is located in the northeastern Changbai Mountain with a poor geological environment, there often occur debris flows, collapses and landslides; especially debris flows restrict the local economic development. Based on fractal theory and the surveying data of 34 debris flows, the authors studied fractal feature of debris flow gully and its various situations of fractal dimensions in different observation scales. The nonlinear relation reveals the development of non-uniformity and self similarity of debris flow gully.

2009 Vol. 12 (4): 221-225 [Abstract] ( 1532 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 291KB] ( 1687 )
226 Experimental study on slender reinforced concrete columns wrapped with CFRP
HU Zhongjun, NIE Lei, PAN Jinglong and XU Tian

By axial compression tests on 6 reinforced concrete slender columns wrapped with carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) , with slenderness ratio ( SR) from 4.5 to 17.5, the results show that when SR increases the retrofitting effect declines. In the case of same SR, the stability coefficient ( SC) for the reinforced concrete (RC) columns with CFRP is much less than that without CFRP. There is 20% increase of stable bearing capacity to the former as compared with the latter when the SR in less than 17.5. The study summarized the simplified formula for SC, which provides a reference for engineering designers.

2009 Vol. 12 (4): 226-229 [Abstract] ( 2166 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 436KB] ( 2698 )
230 Analysis and evaluation on seepage stability of Hongxing reservoir dam , Heilongjiang
YANG Zhishuang, LI Xiaole and ZHANG Qinqyu

Hongxing reservoir was constructed on the floodp lain of Hulan River in Heilongjiang. The geological problem of the reservoir is the seepage of the dam base and its related seepage stability. The leakage of the reservoir is caused by the water head differences between the up stream and downstream of the dam. Severe seepage could decrease the engineering benefits of the reservoir. Moreover, infiltration function of water will influence the safety of the dam. Through the analysis on the granule constitute and the formation of the dam base, the types of the seepage failure apt to happen were defined and the anti-infiltration and the permissible dep ression ratio were determined. Using the numerical simulation software GMS, the two-dimension numerical modeling has been carried out to analyze the seepage field of the reservoir. Through the two conditionsmodelingwith concrete impervious wall and no concrete imperviouswall, the largest flow rate, single-wide seepage discharge and the max infiltration gradient of the dam base were calculated. According to the permeable dep ression ratio of the dam base, the seepage stability of Hongxing reservoir dam base was analyzed.

2009 Vol. 12 (4): 230-235 [Abstract] ( 1897 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 766KB] ( 2084 )
236 Elastic-plastic analysis for pile-anchor supporting system of deep foundation pit
JIN Yingyu and BAI Yu

By using numerical analysis methods to simulate the deep excavation, a lot of analyses are established on the basis of two-dimensional plane strain, ignoring the fact that foundation pit possesses three dimensions. For soil constitutive relation, people always take linear and nonlinear model, without considering the plastic behavior of soil. Using plastic-elastic hardeningmodel to simulate constitutive relation of soil characteristics, the authors carried outmechanical analysis for pit excavation and support. The results show that the analysis for the stress state of pile anchor system is an effective waywhich provides theoretical basis for calculation of soil displacement.

2009 Vol. 12 (4): 236-240 [Abstract] ( 1996 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 345KB] ( 2209 )
241 2009 Vol.12 Nos.1~4 CONTENTS
2009 Vol. 12 (4): 241-242 [Abstract] ( 183 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 8210KB] ( 230 )


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