[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(1) 184-190 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Liu, M. L.
Article by Gao, F. H.
Article by Xu, W.
������, �߸���, ����
1. ��ʯ�����������ֹ�˾ ��̽�����о�Ժ������ 130062; 2. ���ִ�ѧ �����ѧѧԺ������ 130061

Ϊȷ�������״�����ɳ��������Դ�ҵķ����̶ȣ�����Ӧ���л�����ѧ������������ɳ������İ�ɫ���ҽ������л��ʷ�ȡ����ͺͳ���ȵ��о����о������ʾ: �л�̼ƽ������Ϊ 2. 21%������DZ��ƽ��ֵΪ9. 13 mg/g���ȷ����� “A”���� ��0. 5%���������� ��500 ×10 ��6 ��˵��ɳ�����鰵ɫ�����л��ʷ�Ƚϸ�; �л���΢����ж�����ֺ����ϵ� ��“������ + ������”��Ժ���ԶԶ���ھ�����Ͷ����顣T max Ϊ 446�� ��462�棬��� T max ����ָ���ͽ���ָ���Ĺ�ϵ��ָʾ�л��ʸ��Ҹ������� II 1 �� I ��Ϊ��; �����巴���� (��o) Ϊ 0. 56% �� 0. 71%�����ڵͳ���- -����׶Ρ��ۺϷ�����Ϊɳ��������Դ���л��ʷ�ȸߣ��л������ͺã��л��ʳ���ȴ��ڵͳ���- -����׶Σ������е�- - �õ���Դ�ң�������Ϊ��������ϱǹ����ɳ��������нϴ�Ŀ�̽DZ����

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Characteristics of hydrocarbon source rocks in Shahezi Formation in Dongling nose structural belt��Changling fault depression and its evaluation
LIU Man-Li, GAO Fu-Hong, XU Wen
1. Exploration and Development ��esearch Institute��Northeast Oil and Gas Branch��SINOPEC��Changchun 130062��China; 2. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China

In order to confirm the developing level of hydrocarbon source rocks of Shahezi Formation in Dongling nose belt��we have researched the abundance��type and maturity of organic matter yielded in the dark mudstone in the Shahezi Formation by organic geochemistry�� The results show that the average content of“TOC”is 2. 21%��the average potential hydrocarbon generation amount is 9. 13 mg/g��the content of chloroform bitumen “A”is more than 0. 5% and the total hydrocarbon content is greater than 500 ×10 ��6 �� Above parameters suggest the dark mudstone in the Shahezi Formation has high abundance of organic matter�� The content of inertinite is low and the content of exinite and sapropelinite is higher than that of vitrinite and inertinite�� T max is 446�� �� 462�森 Combined with the relationship of T max with hydrogen exponent and degradation index��it is indicated that the major kerogen belongs to type II 1 �� I�� The vitrinite reflectance (��o) is 0. 56% ��0. 71% which indicates the low mature to mature stage�� In summary�� we conclude that the hydrocarbon source rocks of Shahezi Formation are characterized by high content of organic matters and it is of better organic matter in type�� The organic matter maturity is almost in the stage from low mature to mature��which is medium- good in hydrocarbon source rocks for oil- forming�� The Sha- hezi Formation in Dongling nose belt has a great potential for exploration��

Keywords: Changling fault depression   hydrocarbon source rock   organic matter   organic matter types   or- ganic maturity  
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