[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2014, 33(2) 457-464 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Li, B. Y.
Article by Yao, S. Q.
Article by Sun, P. C.
Article by Xu, Y. B.
Article by Liu, R.
Article by Bai, Y. Y.
���, Ҧ����, ��ƽ��, ������, ����, ������
1. ���ִ�ѧ �����ѧѧԺ������ 130061; 2. ���ִ�ѧ ��ҳ�Ҽ�������Դ�������ʡ�ص�ʵ���ң����� 130061; 3. ��ʯ��ʤ������ ���ʿ�ѧ�о�Ժ��ɽ�� ��Ӫ 257015

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Characteristics and origin of oil shale in Meihe Basin
LI Bao-Yi, YAO Shu-Qing, SUN Ping-Chang, XU Yin-Bo, LIU Rong, BAI Yue-Yue
1. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2. Key-Laboratory for Oil Shale and Coexisting Minerals��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 3. Geological Science ��esearch Institute of Shengli Oilfield��SINOPEC��Dongying 257015��Shandong��China

content with high ash in type��and its organic matter is immature�� Meanwhile kaolinite and illite are the main clay minerals in Meihe oil shale��enriched by stabilizing components such as quartz�� Elements in Meihe oil shale like U��Mo are relatively rich��and its heave and light ��EE is high in differentation degree�� Oil shale deposited over the coal layers in mutation��covered by the dark gray mudstone��which indicates that the oil shale developed in semi-deep and deep lake environment�� Sr/Ba value and gammacerane value are lower��and V/ (V + Ni) value is greater than 0. 5��which indicates the oil shale forming in anoxic freshwater�� The sources of organic matter in oil shale are more complex��such as high TOC content black oil shale containing mainly high plants with low oil production rate (oil content/ TOC)��and relatively low TOC content of brown oil shale having much more aquatic organic matter with high oil production rate��

Keywords: oil shale   formation environment   sources of organic matter   Paleogene   Meihe Basin  
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