[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2010, 29(1) 90-95 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Kong, Q. Y.
Article by Chen, Z. H.
Article by Wei, H. H.
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�й�ʯ�ͻ����ɷ����޹�˾ʯ�Ϳ�̽�����о�Ժ, ����100083

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Oil and gas distributions in Yingcheng Formation of Shiwu oilfield in Songliao Basin
KONG Qing-Ying, CHEN Zhi-Hai, WEI He-Hua
Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute, SinoPec, Beijing 100083, China

Using the methods of oil-testing and fracturing test, fluid composition, production dynamics and material balance analysis, the authors have studied the oil and gas distributions of Ying ��, Ying ��, Ying �� and Ying �� reservoirs in Yingcheng Formation of Shiwu oilfield. The results show that the gas reservoirs developed in northern Shiwu reverse fault are distributed in the both sides of Bawu fracture; the Ying ��and Ying ��reservoirs developed in Well D3 and B7 areas of northern Shiwu reverse fault; the Ying �� and Ying ��reservoirs developed in eastern Shiwu oil field and distributed in Well A24, A25, A16 and A11 areas of the both sides of Shiwu reverse fault; while the oil and gas reservoirs are distributed only in few areas of the south and north.

Keywords: Songliao Basin   Shiwu oilfield   Yingcheng Formation   oil and gas distribution  
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