[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2010, 29(2) 262-270 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zhao, Z. P. 1
Article by WAN, X. Q. 2
Article by Xi, D. P. 2
Article by Ci, W. M. 2
Article by Li, S. 2
Article by Jing, J. 2
1. �й����ʴ�ѧ��ԴѧԺ������ 100083; 2. �й����ʴ�ѧ�����ѧ����ԴѧԺ������ 100083

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Identification of lake bay environment in eastern Songliao Basin and its signification
ZHAO Zhi-Ping-1, WAN Xiao-Qiao-2, XI Dang-Peng-2, CI Wei-Min-2, LI Shun-2, JING Jia-2
1. School of Energy Resources��China University of Geosciences��Beijing 100083��China; 2. School of Earth Sciences and Resources��China University of Geosciences��Beijing 100083��China

Through the sedimentologic analysis of Niaohe and Hongshishan sections in Niaohe village of Binxian�� combined with the information of paleontology��geochemistry and paleogeography��the authors restored paleoenvironment characteristics preliminarily. In the Niaohe section��the strata mainly consist of gray-green mudstone with pyrite and dolomitic tuberculosis layers��belonging to lake bay environmental deposit. In the bottom of Hongshishan section��the strate are mainly composed gray-green mudstone��changed to red mudstone in top and middle part��belonging to shallow lake at early stage��gradually turned to mud-flat deposit. The sediments were mainly mudstone and developed horizontal bedding when the provenance was not sufficient; yielding less fossils��but the layered property was good; there were dolostone and pyrite in mudstone. The lake bay accepted deposition by water deepening from the fracture depression of lake basin��and water flow or wave erosion damaged the barrier in lake bottom and lakeshore which led to water shallowed and turned to slough finally.

Keywords: Songliao Basin   Binxian   Qingshankou Formation   sedimentary facies   lake bay  
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