[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2015, 34(1) 194-202 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zhang, L.
Article by Liu, W. S.
Article by Zhang, C. X.
Article by Zhao, Q.
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Assessment on geophysical exploration effect in Xingcheng areas of Liaoning
ZHANG Li, LIU Wan-Song, ZHANG Chen-Xi, ZHAO Qian
College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

This article focuses on the analysis of geologic targets by applying multiple geophysical approaches including gravity��magnetic��mag- netotelluric (MT) detection and seismic exploration methods in Xingcheng areas of Liaoning�� The geophysical data were collected during fieldwork of the studied areas��using the methods men- tioned above and detailed analysis of the data were conducted�� The results show that gravity anomaly analysis plays an important role in geotectonic units division��identification of rift structure and basement relief; magnetic anoma- lies can be used to identify the rift structure and rock units with distinctive magnetic properties and analyse the igne- ous activities�� Magnetotelluric anomalies can significantly reflect the division of geotectonic units��distribution of faults and stratified layers�� Seismic exploration can be used to identify the geological boundaries and layers��

Keywords: geological targets   gravity   magnetic   magnetotelluric   artificial earthquakes   deviation detection  
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