[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2012, 31(1) 171-178 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Sun, H. 1
Article by Liu, M. S. 1
Article by Wang, H. C. 2
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1. ���ִ�ѧ����̽���ѧ�뼼��ѧԺ������130026; 2. ���Ҳ�������Ϣ�ֺ���������������Ϣ���ģ�������150081

���������������쳣���ݼ��䴦����( ˮƽ�ݶ�ģ��б����) ���Զػ���ر߽硢�������������λ�ü��Ի����Ϊ����Ĵ�����ֲ��������о�����������쳣�ķ�����ˮƽ�ݶ�ģ��б�����ļ�������������ػ��׾��ϲ����ݡ�����͹��ͱ������ݵ�“����һ͹”�������̬����������ڶ�����SW--NE ��Ϊ�������Ϊ���ϰ��ǵʽ��ء����ݺ����쳣������ػ���Ϊ4 ���쳣��: ���������쳣�����в��ʹ��쳣�������ϸߴ��쳣�������ϱ߲���Եʹ��쳣������ϴ��쳣ˮƽ�ݶ�ģ��б�����ļ�������ʾ���Ի����Ϊ����Ĵ�������SW--NE ������ơ�

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Tectonic framework of Dunhua Basin based on gravity and magnetic characteristics
SUN Hui-1, LIU Wan-Song-1, WANG Hong-Chang-2
1. College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Chunchun 130026��China; 2. Mapping and Geoinformation Heilongjiang Provincial Geomatics Center��National Administration of Surveying��Harbin 150081��China

Based on the data of gravity and magnetic anomalies and their processing results ( horizontal gradient modules and tilt derivatives) ��the authors study the boundary��basement relief and faults location of Dunhua Basin��and the distribution of magnetic bodies characterized by igneous rocks�� The results of gravity anomaly��horizontal gradient modules and tilt derivatives reveal that the basin basement possesses two depressions ( south and north) and one salient ( center) in morphological characteristics; while the main faults distribute along with southwest- northwest ( SW--NE) direction��and the basin presents a graben basin with a single boundary fault�� The basin can be divided into four anomalous regions based on magnetic anomaly: the northeastern magnetic anomalous region�� the central low magnetic anomalous region��southwastern high magnetic and relative low magnetic anomalous region�� By analyzing the tilt derivatives and horizontal gradient modules of magnetic anomaly��it is shown that the distribution of the igneous rocks are controlled by SW--NE structure��

Keywords: Dunhua Basin   gravity anomaly   magnetic anomaly   horizontal gradient module   tilt derivative  
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