[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2013, 32(2) 273-278 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Jin, Z. H. 1
Article by Zhang, S. Z. 2
Article by Zhao, X. F. 3
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1. ����ʡ���ʿ�ѧ�о���������130021; 2�� �ӱߴ�ѧ��ѧԺ����ϵ�������Ӽ�133002; 3�� ����ʡ�˹�ҵ���ʾ֣�����130062

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Jiamusi Uplift and the boundary fractures of characteristics of surrounding basins
JIN Zhen-Hua-1, ZHANG Shou-Zhi-2, ZHAO xi-Feng-3
1�� Jilin Institute of Geological Sciences��Changchun 130021��China; 2�� Geography Department��Sciences College of Yanbian University��Yanji 133002��Jilin��China; 3�� Jilin Bureau of Geology for Nuclear Industry��Changchun 130062��China

On the basis of field geologic surveying and previous data��we find the boundary faults of Jiamusi Uplift with its surrounding basins extended mainly in the directions of near EW and near NW��in which the faults in near EW direction formed by a series of thrusts nappe��e�� g�� the Xingnong-peide fault��the southern margined fault of the Sanjiang Basin��etc�� Its thrust direction is from the south to the north; the north--west faults are mainly represented by the Boli--yilan fault�� Based on the thrust nappes distribution��structural style��composite relations and detrital zircon fission track dating result analysis��we find that Jiamusi Uplift and surrounding faults formed after the Early Cretaceous ( Dongshan Formation) �� The studied area impacted by the NW--SW extension��formed the comprhensive basins in the Early Cretaceous�� During Late Cretaceous in the studied area��the NWW-SEE compressions thrusted and superimposed on the Jiamusi Uplift and its surrounding faults��

Keywords: structural feature   Jiamusi Uplift   Cretaceous   uplift age  
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1�� ������, ��־��, ������, �ܷ�, �ε¿�, �Գ���.���ֺ������Ĺ���Ӧ��������������ڴ�[J]. �������, 2011,30(4): 593-599
2�� �¹��, �¹���, �ﴺ��, ���޲�, ����, ������, �ֳ���.ƽ��—��Դ��ذ��Ѽ��ݻ���������̽����Ԥ��[J]. �������, 2013,32(1): 105-113

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