[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2011, 30(4) 593-599 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Wang, J. Y. 1
Article by Liu, Z. H. 2
Article by Li, X. J. 2
Article by Zhou, F. 2
Article by Lin, D. K. 1
Article by Zhao, C. X. 3
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Analysis on structural stress field and deformation stages in Haigou gold deposit of Jilin
WANG Jian-Yu-1, LIU Zhi-Hong-2, LI Xu-Jun-2, ZHOU Fei-2, REN De-Kui-1, ZHAO Cheng-Xiang-3
1. China Gold Group Haigou Mining Co�� ��LTD��Antu 133600��Jilin��China; 2. Collage of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 3. Qinghai Institute of Geological Survey��Xining 810001��China

Based on detailed study of the faults and joints in Haigou gold deposit��the joint occurrences are summarized and analyzed using stereographic projection method�� Six preferred occurrences and three joint sets are recognized and their stress field during three stages of deformation is determined�� The Haigou gold deposit underwent NW-SE extension at the early stage��which led to the left lateral strike slip of existing EW trending Haigou faults and formed NE trending normal fault at the hanging wall of Haigou fault��associated with the injection of goldbearing quartz veins�� During the middle stage��the deposit underwent NEE-SWW compression��led to the compressive reworking of NE trending normal faults and the gold-bearing quartz veins confined in the ore-controlling faults�� At the late stage��the compression in NW-SE direction led to the right lateral strike slipping of Haigou fault��the NE trending faults reformed by compression again��and formed NWW and NNW trending strike slipping faults��which led to the deformation and displacement of the earlier faults and gold-bearing quartz veins�� The three stages of deformation probably took place during Cretaceous��which related to the subduction process from the Pacific Plate to Eurasian Plate��

Keywords: structural characteristics   joint   stereographic projection   structural stress field   deformation stage   Haigou gold deposit   Jilin  
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