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Global Geology
2021 Vol.24 Issue.2
Published 2021-05-25

71  Chemical indexes of Paleoproterozoic sedimentary rocks from  Liaohe Group,North China Craton: Implications for  paleoclimate and provenance
ZHANG Wei,LI Zhuang,YANG Fan,PEI Fuping,LIU Jin,WANG Junhui1 and WANG Zhiwei
 Paleoproterozoic supracrustal materials have been widely identified in North China Craton,such as the Liaohe-,Hutuo- and Lyuliang groups. The Liaohe Group in the eastern part of the North China Craton is  dominated by deformed and metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic successions. Compared with that of the  coeval volcanic rocks,geochemistry of the sedimentary rocks from the Liaohe Group has rarely been studied in  detail,which can possibly provide information on the paleoclimate and provenance. The authors analyzed the whole-rock and detrital zircon geochemistry of sedimentary rocks from the Liaohe Group against a uniform process and proposed their different ways of paleoweathering of the lower and upper formations. That is to say, although the lower and upper formations within the Liaohe Group might be derived from the similar source composition in a tectonically active setting,the paleoclimate that they experienced was not exactly the same. The predominant derivations are the Paleoproterozoic granitoids and basalts within the Liaohe Group,with minor input of Archean continental crust. This study highlights the contributions of the Paleoproterozoic mafic sources,which has been generally overlooked in the previous researches.

2021 Vol. 24 (2): 71-79 [Abstract] ( 183 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3769KB] ( 635 )
80  Origin of ore-forming fluids in Qinggouzi stibnite deposit,NE China: Constraints from fluid inclusions and H-O-S isotopes
BAKHT Shahzad,SUN Fengyue,WANG Linlin,XU Chenghan,YE Lina, ZHU Xinran and FAN Xingzhu
 The Qinggouzi stibnite deposit is located in Huashan Town,Jilin Province,in the northeastern margin of North China Craton ( NCC) . It is controlled by fault structures,hosted within structurally controlled felsic dykes,predominantly surrounded by phyllite,schist and quartzite. This study presents the results of fluid
inclusions studies,intending to determine the source of the fluid responsible for ore-formation,hence exploring its metallogenesis. The aqueous biphase inclusions are identified in the stibnite-bearing quartz veins of the deposit.Moreover,aqueous biphase inclusions are further classified into ① biphase liquid-rich inclusions ( 1a)
and ② biphase gas-rich inclusions ( 1b) depending upon liquid to gas ratio trapped within the fluid inclusions. Homogenization temperatures for ( 1a) and ( 1b) range between 114. 8℃ to 422℃ and 128. 3℃ to 267. 5℃,
respectively. 1a and 1b have salinities of 0. 18% to 16. 14% NaCleqv and 1. 22% to 12. 88% NaCleqv ,and density range from 0. 43 to 1. 02 g /cm3 and 0. 81 to 0. 98 g /cm3,respectively. Sulfur isotopic analysis indicates
δ34SV-CDT from 4. 4 × 10 - 3 to 6. 5 × 10 - 3,with an average of 5. 2 × 10 - 3,whereas H isotopes values on δDV-SMOW standard are - 100. 8 × 10 - 3 and - 107. 5 × 10 - 3,while O isotopes data on δ18OV-SMOW standard range between 20. 1 × 10 - 3 and 20. 4 × 10 - 3 . Fluid inclusions study,combining with sulfur and H-O isotopic data reveal that the ore-forming fluids originated from deep source and were subsequently contaminated by meteoric water. Hydrostatic pressure calculation shows that the minimum and maximum pressures are 11. 65 and 42. 33 MPa,and relevant depths of deposit are estimated to be 1. 16 and 4. 23 km. Finally,we inferred that Qinggouzi stibnite deposit is a medium-low temperature,low salinity hydrothermal deposit,which is formed by deep source and later contaminated by meteoric water,and is classified as epizonal deposit in terms of orogenic series.

2021 Vol. 24 (2): 80-88 [Abstract] ( 911 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 4588KB] ( 5000 )
89  Geochemical characteristics and sedimentary environment significance of carbonate rocks in Nanfen Formation of Qingbaikou System in Tonghua,Jilin Province
ZHANG Junsheng,JIA Xiaoyu and GONG Hui
 In order to reveal the sedimentary environment of carbonate rocks in Nanfen Formation of Qingbaikou System in Tonghua,Jilin Province,the mineral composition and petrochemistry of carbonate rocks in Nanfen Formation were analyzed. The mineral compositions of five carbonate rock samples in Nanfen Formation mainly consist of calcite,with minor clay minerals and quartz,and the rock type is siliceous marlite. The Mn /Sr values range from 1. 52 to 4. 08,with an average of 2. 64,indicating that the carbonate rocks experienced weak
diagenesis; the Sr /Ba values range from 1. 26 to 2. 51,with an average of 1. 93,indicating marine environment; the ratio of Mg /Al ranges from 35. 33 to 86. 34,with an average of 62. 95,indicating the seawater environment,
which is consistent with the result from Sr /Ba; the MgO/CaO values range from 0. 01 to 0. 04,with an average of 0. 02,indicating humid environment; the values of V/( V + Ni) range from 0. 63 to 0. 73,with an average of 0. 70,indicating anoxic environment. In summary,geochemical analyses show that the Nanfen
Formation carbonate rocks are marine deposits,in a warm,humid,anoxic environment with poor flow of seawater, and subsequently underwent weak diagenetic alteration.

2021 Vol. 24 (2): 89-94 [Abstract] ( 355 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 4468KB] ( 780 )
95  Evolution characteristics of hydrological connectivity
pattern of marsh wetland in Naoli River Basin
WANG Haonan,HOU Guanglei,YANG Changbao and SONG Xiaolin
 As an important indicator of the structural and functional stability of wetland landscapes,hydrological connectivity plays an important role in maintaining the stability of wetland ecosystems. Large-scale human activities have led to significant changes in the hydrological connectivity pattern of wetlands in Naoli River Basin
since 1950s. Combined with the availability of wetland habitat and the spreading capacity of aquatic birds, hydrological connectivity indices of marsh wetlands were calculated in the studied area,and the temporal and spatial changes were analyzed from 1950s to 2015. The results indicate that: ( 1) the hydrological connectivity
index of the marsh wetlands shows a growth trend with increasing distance threshold. All patches of marsh wetlands linked together when the distance threshold reached 35--40 km; ( 2) the optimal distance of hydrological connectivity is about 10 km for marsh wetlands of whole Naoli River Basin; ( 3) the total hydrological connectivity of marsh wetlands decreased in the Naoli River Basin from 1950s to 2015. Although the hydrological connectivity index increased after 2005,the fragmentation of the landscape has not been improved. The analysis of the wetland hydrological connectivity can provide a scientific basis for the ecological restoration and protection of the wetland in the Naoli River Basin.

2021 Vol. 24 (2): 95-102 [Abstract] ( 231 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 939KB] ( 566 )
103  Common offset ground penetrating radar data inversion based on ray theory
XUE Meiqi,LIU Sixin,LU Qi,LI Hongqing,WANG Yuanxin,CHANG Xinghao,RAN Limin,ZHAO Yonggang and LI Jianwei
 The authors use the common offset ground penetrating radar ( GPR) data inversion based on ray theory to estimate interval velocity and to obtain the relative permittivity. In the ray-tracing based inversion,the input data are the offset distance between antennas,the velocity of the first layer,the pick-up amplitude and reference amplitude of each reflection layer. The thickness and velocity of each layer are calculated by this recursive method. Firstly,the horizontal homogeneous layered medium model is established,and the ideal inversion results are obtained. Subsequently,Monte Carlo method is used to establish a randomly undulating homogeneous layered medium model. The common offset GPR data for the built geological model is then simulated by finite-difference time-domain ( FDTD) . It proved that this ray-tracing based inversion method is feasible for the horizontal layered geological model,even the layered geological model with random undulation. Undulation,represented
by RMS height and CL ( correlation length) ,influences the inversion results. Finally,a more complex geological model--pinch-out model was established. In the pinch-out model,the pinch-out interface can be clearly identified,though there is a false anomaly,which will not significantly affect the identification of the underground medium structure.

2021 Vol. 24 (2): 103-110 [Abstract] ( 227 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1433KB] ( 870 )
111  Influence of fracture width on borehole radar response
YAN Weicun,LIU Sixin,CHANG Xinghao,RAN Limin,ZHAO Yonggang and LI Jianwei
 Fracture is a common underground structure phenomenon,which can provide space and passage for the storage and migration of oil and gas. Borehole radar is a fast and high-resolution geophysical detection method,which has been widely used in engineering,exploration and other fields. This paper mainly uses theoretical
analysis and numerical simulation to study the variation law of the characteristics of the received borehole radar signal with the variation of fracture width. The Ricker wavelet is used as the pulse signal of the borehole radar.The results show that the amplitude of the signal received by the borehole radar first increases,then decreases,
and finally tends to be a stable value with the increase of fracture width. The results have guiding significance for the detection of underground fractures and the estimation of fracture width by borehole radar.

2021 Vol. 24 (2): 111-118 [Abstract] ( 199 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1823KB] ( 676 )
119  Application of Gaussian beam pre-stack depth
migration in rugged seabed
HAN Fuxing,YI Xin,SUN Zhangqing,HU Jia,XU Baoyin and XU Hai
 Strong fluctuation of seabed,abrupt variation in depth and dip of seabed bring seismic imaging problems,such as irregular reflection waves,obvious multiple waves,serious lateral wave development,poor imaging on base surface and depression structure,low signal-to-noise ratio of middle and deep layers. In this paper,Gaussian beam migration imaging method is used to analyze the imaging effect of rugged seabed in deep water area,and the ray tracing method of wavefront construction method is used to analyze the kinematic characteristics of seismic waves. By improving the design of seismic data acquisition and observation system,imaging quality of fine structures is improved.

2021 Vol. 24 (2): 119-128 [Abstract] ( 214 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 7794KB] ( 473 )


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