Global Geology     2016 19 (4):  241-254    ISSN: 1673-9736:  CN: 22-1371/P

Environmental adaptations and constraints on latest Cretaceous Arctic dinosaurs
Robert A.Spicer, Alexei B.Herman, Romain Amiot and Teresa E.V.Spicer
1. School of Environment,Earth and Ecosystem Sciences,Open University,Milton Keynes,MK7 6AA,UK; 2. Geological Institute,Russian Academy of Sciences,119017 Moscow,Russia; 3. Claude Bernard University of Lyon 1 and High Normal School of Lyon,Dubois,69622 Villeurbanne Cedex,France; 4. State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany,Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100093,China
Received null  Revised null  Online 2016-12-25

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