Global Geology     2025 28 (1):  35-47    ISSN: 1673-9736:  CN: 22-1371/P

Enrichment model of continental shale oil in Zhanhua Sag of Jiyang Depression
SU Siyuan1,2, CHENG Cheng1, JIANG Zhenxue3, SHAN Xuanlong1 and YOUSIF M. Makeen1*
1. College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun 130061, China;
2. Yibin Research Institute of Jilin University, Yibin 644000, Sichuan, China;?
3. Unconventional Natural Gas Institute, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China?
Received null  Revised null  Online 2025-02-25
Reference  null

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