Global Geology 2020, 23(4) 234-240 DOI:   10.3969/j.issn.1673-9736.2020.04.04  ISSN: 1673-9736 CN: 22-1371/P

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volcanic rock
acoustic velocity
Gassmann equation
parameter determination
saturation calculation
ZHOU Weiyi
PAN Baozhi
GUO Yuhang
Article by Zhou W
Article by Pan B
Article by Guo Y

Experimental study on parameter determination of fluid replacement equation for volcanic reservoirs

ZHOU Weiyi, PAN Baozhi, GUO Yuhang

College of Geo-Exploration Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun 130026, China


In this study, the parameters of Gassmann equation based on fluid replacement theory are studied by measuring the acoustic velocity during the evaporation process of volcanic rocks in Nanpu area. The experimental data show that with the decrease of porosity of tight volcanic rock, the acoustic velocity difference between dry and wet rock samples increases, which is conducive for the identification of gas bearing reservoirs with acoustic log data. The fluid bulk modulus distribution of volcanic rocks in the study area conforms to Brie model, and the value of empirical coefficient e is related to lithology. The experimental results show that there is a linear relationship between the P-wave transit time of dry and wet rock samples. Using porosity to calculate the acoustic transit time of saturated rock samples, and taking it into the experimental formula, we can get the P-wave transit time and bulk modulus of dry rock samples. According to the bulk modulus of mixed fluid, dry rock and rock matrix determined by experiments, the saturation of volcanic reservoir in Nanpu area is calculated by Gassmann equation, which is in good contrast with the conclusion of gas test. This study provides an experimental basis for quantitative evaluation of volcanic gas reservoirs using seismic and acoustic logging data.

Keywords volcanic rock   acoustic velocity   Gassmann equation   parameter determination   saturation calculation  
Received 2020-02-27 Revised 2020-03-31 Online:  
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-9736.2020.04.04
Corresponding Authors: GUO Yuhang
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