[an error occurred while processing this directive] 世界地质 2019, 38(4) 1152-1165 DOI:   10.3969/j.issn.1004-5589.2019.04.027  ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Gao B
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Article by Sui J
高博1, 陈桂虎1, 王刚1, 刘建宇1, 隋佳轩2
1. 中国地质调查局 牡丹江自然资源综合调查中心, 黑龙江 牡丹江 157000;
2. 吉林省地质环境监测总站, 长春 130021
摘要: 通过对辽宁太平湾地区地质灾害调查分析,确定该区地质灾害发育类型主要为崩塌、滑坡、泥石流和地面塌陷等。分析其发育规模、危害、稳定性及其分布规律等特征,确定影响机动通行能力的地质灾害主要为崩塌灾害,多发生于坡度在60°以上,坡高>10 m的岩质凸型斜坡的阳面,且多分布在深大断裂与活动断裂的挤压破碎带、断裂交汇部位及其附近,在活动构造断裂带应力的直接作用下对道路的拉张扭曲变形产生影响。针对调查区地质灾害的形成条件及影响因素,着重分析其易发区划分及对机动通行能力的影响。
关键词 地质灾害   形成条件   影响因素   机动通行能力  
Characteristics of geological disasters in Taiping Bay district of Liaoning and their impact on motor traffic capacity
GAO Bo1, CHEN Gui-hu1, WANG Gang1, LIU Jian-yu1, SUI Jia-xuan2
1. Mudanjiang Natural Resources Comprehensive Survey Center, China Geological Survey, Mudanjiang 157000, Heilongjiang, China;
2. Jilin Institute of Geo-environment Monitoring, Changchun 130021, China
Abstract: Through investigations and analysis of geological disasters in Taiping Bay district of Liaoning, the authors found that the major disasters in this area are collapse, landslide, debris flow and ground collapse. By stud-ying their scale, detriment, stability and distributive rules, it is concluded that the main disaster affecting the motor traffic capacity is collapse, which often occurs on bumped rock slopes exposed to sunlight with slope over 60 de-grees and the height over 10 m. As most collapses happened at or around the compresso-crushed zone and fault in-tersection of deep faults and active faults, the direct stress of the active fault stretched or distorted the roads. Based on the formation conditions and influence factors, the authors focused on analyzing the susceptible segments and the impact on motor traffic capacity.
Keywords: geological disasters   formation condition   influence factors   motor traffic capacity  
收稿日期 2019-05-07 修回日期 2019-11-06 网络版发布日期  
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-5589.2019.04.027


通讯作者: 陈桂虎(1974),男,高级工程师,主要从事地质工程、矿产资源勘查方面的研究。E-mail:1394560355@163.com
作者Email: 1394560355@163.com

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