[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2018, 37(1) 289-295 DOI:   10.3969/j.issn.1004-5589.2018.01.028  ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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���ִ�ѧ����̽���ѧ�뼼��ѧԺ, ���� 130026
ժҪ�� ����"3S"��������ˮʴ��Į�����γɻ���Ϊ����㣬��������������Ǻ�SPOT6���ǻ�ȡ�ĸ߷ֱ���ң��Ӱ��Լ�����ԭ������50������ˮʴ��Į���ڲ�ͬ���������Ŷ��µ�ʱ�ձ仯���ɽ��з���������������о�����1969-2015��ˮʴ��Į������������������ƣ��������Ϊ11.09 km2����ˮ�����¶ȼ�������Ӱ�����ˮʴ��Į����������仯����Ҫ�������ӡ�
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Spatial and temporal evolution of water erosion desertification in typical district based on high-resolution remote sensing image
JIANG Li-li, LIU Wan-song, MA Yue, LIU Hua-xin
College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun 130026, China
Abstract: Using the high-resolution remote sensing image obtained by USA reconnaissance satellite and SPOT6 satellite, the authors analyze the spatial and temporal variations of water erosion desertification under different driving factors from 1969 to 2015 in Songyuan area of Jilin Province by "3S" technology.The research results show that the water erosion desertification acreage increased 11.09 km2 from 1969 to 2015.Precipitation, slope and lithology are the most important driving factors impacting the variation of water erosion desertification acreage in this area.
Keywords: water erosion desertification   remote sensing technology   driving factors   Songyuan area of Jilin Province  
�ո����� 2017-08-18 �޻����� 2018-01-18 ����淢������  
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-5589.2018.01.028



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