[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2017, 36(2) 552-559,569 DOI:   10.3969/j.issn.1004-5589.2017.02.021  ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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�Լ�����س��Ӻ��顢��������ʯ��Ƭ������΢���¹۲죬��ѡ�����巢������Ʒ���ư����屡Ƭ��������̨�Ͽ�չ����������һ�¶Ȳ��ԣ���ϼ�����ص����ʷ����ʷ��̽���о������Ӻ��顢����������������ڴ��Լ��ɲ�ʱ�䡣�о�����������о��������������ĸ�Ļ�ε����������¼����ɻ���Ϊ80~77 Ma��45~38 Ma�����ڴΣ����У����Ӻ����й���Ļ�������ƣ���עʱ��ֱ�Ϊ80 Ma��45 Ma �� 38 Ma����������77 Ma������һĻ������ע�������о�����뼦����ؾ��������ι����˶����Ǻϣ����ٿ�����飨���120~65 Ma�����й���½��Ե����Ӱ�죻��ʼ����—��������Լ 40 Ma��ϲɽ�����˶���ÿ�ι����˶��������������˾��¼���

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Research on hydrocarbon accumulation periods of Lower Cretaceous Chengzihe and Muling formations in Jixi Basin
ZHANG Qing-fei1, GUO Wei1, DING Hong-ru2, LI Wen-qiang1, YANG Xu-hai1, ZHANG Cong1, LIU Meng-qi1
1. College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun 130061, China;
2. SINOPEC Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Institute of Northeast Campany, Changchun 130062, China

The rock slides of Chengzihe and Muling formations in Jixi Basin were studied under the microscope, and samples with a great number of fluid inclusions were chosen to make inclusion slides. The homogenization temperature test of fluid inclusion was subsequently performed on the freezing and heating stage.By analyzing the testing temperature data in combination with the burial history and thermal history of Jixi Basin, the oil and gas migration periods and accumulation stages of Chengzihe and Muling formations in Jixi Basin were discussed.The results showed that two stages and four episodes of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation occurred in the study area, which could be divided into two periods of 80~77 Ma and 45~38 Ma.There were three episodes of oil and gas migration in Chengzihe Formation,the filling time was 80 Ma, 45 Ma and 38 Ma, respectively, and there was one episode of oil and gas filling in Muling Formation in 77 Ma.The results of this study are consistent with two tectonic movements in the Jixi Basin:��Kula plate activity, in a period of 120~65 Ma, which had shaped China's mainland margin;��the earlier Himalayan movement in about 40 Ma in Eocene and Oligocene, both of which were accompanied by the migration and accumulation of oil and gas.

Keywords: Jixi Basin   Chengzihe and Muling formations   fluid inclusions   homogenization temperature   hydrocarbon accumulation periods  
�ո����� 2016-10-16 �޻����� 2017-01-13 ����淢������  
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-5589.2017.02.021


ͨѶ����: ��Ρ(1960),��,����,��Ҫ���³���ѧ��ʯ�͵����о�.E-mail:guoweijldx@163.com
����Email: guoweijldx@163.com


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