[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(4) 1178-1184 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zhou, K.
Article by Sun, Y. H.
Article by Li, Q.
Article by Guo, W.
Article by Lv, S. D.
Article by Han, J.
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�Լ���ũ����ҳ�ҽ����� TG ������������ N 2 ����������ʧ�ؿɷ�Ϊ����ʧ�ض� (30�� �� 300��)������ʧ�ض� (300�� ��540��) �͸���ʧ�ض� (540�� ��800��)��������ʧ�ض�Ϊ��Ҫʧ�ؽ׶Ρ���ũ����ҳ�ҽ������������������飬���������������ʾ��и������ԣ���ˮƽ�����������������ϵ������; ����ϵ����������������¶����߱仯����һ�£�������ɢϵ�����¶����߱仯����

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Experimental research about thermogravimetric analysis and thermal physical properties of Nong'an oil shale
ZHOU Ke, SUN You-Hong, LI Qiang, GUO Wei, LV Shi-Dong, HAN Jing
College of Construction Engineering��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

It is essential to study on its properties for the better development and utilization of oil shales. Through TG analysis on Nong'an oil shale in Jilin��the authors found that under N 2 atmosphere��their thermal weight loss was divided into three different periods��including the low temperature weight loss period (30�� ��300��)��the medium temperature weight loss period (300�� ��540��) and the elevated temperature weight loss period (500�� ��800��)��in which the medium temperature weight loss period was predominant. Thermal physical properties of Nong'an oil shale were carried out��as a result��thermal physical properties were proved to be anisotropic and these properties for horizontal bedding were higher than those for vertical bedding. In addition��heat conductivity coeffi- cient and volumetric specific heat capacity showed a similar tendency with the increment in temperature��while ther- mal diffusivity didn't present a remarkable change.

Keywords: oil shale   thermogravimetric analysis   thermal conductivity   thermal diffusivity   specific heat   Nongan  
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