[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(4) 1151-1157 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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TM �� ETM +
Article by Han, T. T.
Article by Xing, L. X.
Article by Zhang, F. K.
Article by Li, C. W.
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Ϊ�о�ͬһ������ͬʱ��ĵر��¶���ֲ���͵ر�״��������Ӱ������¶ȱ仯�̶ȵIJ��죬�� Landsat 5 TM �� Landsat 7 ETM + �Ⱥ�������Ϊ����Դ�����÷��䴫�䷽�̷��ֱ������ɽ��ӵ��� 12 ����ͬ�·ݵĵر���ʵ�¶ȣ�������������̬�¶��쳣�ضε�Ӱ�����أ����� 12 ���µ��¶ȷ��ݽ���ľ�ֵ�ͷ���������: ��ƽ��ֵͼ���е��¶��쳣��������󲿷�ʱ��ͼ����¶��쳣����ʮ�����ƣ�ͼ���������������������ֽ϶��¶��쳣���ڷ���ͼ����ԭϵ��ͼ���и����쳣�������䷽��Ҳ�ϴ󣬼�ʱ���������¶Ȳ����ϴ�; ԭϵ��ͼ����ֲ�����ǶȽϸߵ������䷽���С����ʱ���������¶ȱ仯��Ϊ�ȶ���

�ؼ����� TM �� ETM +    �ر��¶�   ���䴫�䷽�̷�   �ɽ��ӵ���   ����ʡ  
Surface temperature inversion based on time series: taking Songjianghe region for example
HAN Ting-Ting, XING Li-Xin, ZHANG Fu-Kun, LI Chang-Wei
College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

For the study of the degree of change in the temperature difference after the effect of factors such as the vegetation and surface conditions in the same region at different phases��Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM + thermal infrared data were taken as the data source��and different surface true temperatures of 12 months in Songjianghe region were inversed based on radiative transfer equation method and the affecting factors of appearing steady temperature abnormal area were analyzed�� While the mean and variance results of 12 months were calculat- ed�� The results show that �� temperature anomaly region in the average temperature anomaly image shows a very similar trend with the majority��while the northwest region and the central region of the image appear more tempera- ture anomalies; �� The variance of the high temperature anomaly area in the original series of the variance image is large��i�� e�� the temperature fluctuations in the time series is large�� The variance of the original series of images in high vegetation coverage area is small��that is the time �� series change in temperature is stable��

Keywords: TM and ETM +    surface temperature   radiative transfer equation method   Songjianghe region   Jilin Province  
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