[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(4) 1138-1144 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Jia, D. C.
Article by Mu, H. Y.
Article by Jiang, Q. G.
Article by Li, Y. H.
Article by Yang, C. B.
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��������޳�����ͭ�����ͺͳɿ�����֣����� Google Earth ң��Ӱ�񣬶Ե��Ϳ󴲽���ң�е��ʽ��룬�����˲�ͬ����ͭ�����͵�ң�е��ʽ����־������ Landsat--ETM ң��Ӱ�����ݳ�����ͭ��ֲ����ؿ����������ң��Ӱ���������������޳�����ͭ�󻮷�Ϊ��̫ƽ��һ���ɿ���ͱ��������͡��в��Ž��ͺ��ϲ����Ѽ͵� 3 ����һ���ɿ����

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��emote sensing geological interpretation of sediment-hosted copper deposits and its metallogenic belt division in South America
JIA Da-Cheng, MU Hong-Yu, JIANG Qi-Gang, LI Yuan-Hua, YANG Chang-Bao
College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

Aiming at the types of sediment-hosted copper deposits and its metallogenic belt division in South America��the typical sediment-hosted copper deposits were interpreted based on the Google Earth remote sensing image��and the interpreted indicates of the different types sediment-hosted copper deposits have been established�� Based on the Landsat--ETM remote sensing image��the Peri-Pacific first level metallogenic belt and three second level metallogenic belts including northern Permian metallogenic belts��central Paleogene metallogenic belts and southern Cretaceous metallogenic belts��were divided in South America according to the distribution and geological conditions as well as the remote sensing image characteristics��

Keywords: sediment-hosted copper deposits   interpreted indicate   remote sensing geological interpretation   metallogenic belt division   South America  
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