[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(4) 1101-1108 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Ye, L.
Article by Han, L. G.
Article by Li, H. J.
Article by Zhang, W.
Article by Li, Y.
Article by Yu, C. X.
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Deghosting method based on maximization of peak factor
YE Lin, HAN Li-Guo, LI Hong-Jian, ZHANG Wei, LI Yu, YU Chen-Xia
College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

Aiming at the frequency bandwidth of the marine seismic data acquired by conventional streamer acquisition narrowing down��which is affected by ghost��this paper put forward a deghosting method which can sup- press the ghost and widen the frequency band�� Firstly��the formula to produce mirror records was derived in fre- quency-space domain and the authors estimated the best delay time of ghost by using parameter search method based on maximization of peak factor�� Then the optimal delay time was taken into the formula to produce formula and obtain optimal mirror data�� Ultimately��the optimal deghosted output can be calculated by using joint deconvo- lution algorithm�� Applying the method to simulative variable depth data and marine variable-depth streamer data��it was showed that this deghosting method could suppress the ghost��reduce the spectral notches and acquire wider- band data��

Keywords: variable-depth streamer acquisition   peak factor   joint deconvolution algorithm   notch  
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1�� �����, ������, ����֥, ֣����.��Ƶ�����������Ϻ�ij������Ӧ��[J]. �������, 2016,35(3): 873-880

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