[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(4) 1095-1100 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zuo, C. J.
Article by Lu, Z. K.
Article by Wang, H. W.
Article by Wang, Z. W.
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1. ���ִ�ѧ ����̽���ѧ�뼼��ѧԺ������ 130026; 2. ����ʡ��ͨ����о�Ժ�������ι�˾���ϲ� 330002; 3. ������̽���̹�˾�⾮��˾�������� ���� 163412

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Logging characteristic analysis of basalt in eastern depression of Liaohe Oilfield
ZUO Cheng-Ji, LIU Zhe-Kun, WANG Hong-Wei, WANG Zhu-Wen
1. College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China; 2�� Communications Design ��esearch Institute Co�� ��Ltd of Jiangxi Province��Nanchang 330002��China; 3�� Daqing Oilfield Drilling Engineering Well Logging Company��Daqing 163412��Heilongjiang��China

Aiming at the logging characteristics of basalt in complex lithology of igneous rocks in the eastern depression of Liaohe Oilfield��the authors found four different types of basalt strata according to the logging data of the eastern depression and identification of the slides of the coring section �� The basalts have been divided into two groups to contrast�� The first group: stomatal basalt and breccia basalt; the second group: basalt and oil-water bear- ing basalt�� Using basalt stratigraphic data to make logging responsive statistics��and compare the difference of the various kinds of logging parameters and make cross plot��it is concluded that the breccia basalt has higher SP value contrast with stomatal basalt��and oil-water bearing basalt has higher G�� and CNL values contrast with basalt�� The reasons are that the fractures developed well in stomatal basalt and breccia basalt with low density��and the clay minerals filled into the fractures in breccia basalt leading to high SP value; and the H element in oil-water bearing basalt leading to high G�� and CNL values��

Keywords: basalt   cross plot   logging response   eastern depression of Liaohe oilfield  
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