[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(4) 1084-1094 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zhao, S. L.
Article by Cheng, R. H.
Article by Jiang, F.
Article by Xu, Z. J.
Article by Liu, B. Y.
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Analysis of oil saturation and oil-bearing level in block-C of Luxiang fault depression
ZHAO Shi-Le, CHENG Ri-Hui, JIANG Fei, XU Zhong-Jie, LIU Bai-Yi
College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China

The comprehensive study of lithology��oil-bearing level and oil saturation of the 2nd Member of Shuangyang Formation established the suitable calculation method of oil saturation for block-C�� The effect of deposi- tion and structure on oil-bearing level was analyzed compared with actual oil-bearing level�� Oil reservoir rocks of the 2nd Member of Shuangyang ��eservoirs in the studied area are mainly siltstone��fine sandstone and glutenite�� Oil levels of reservoirs are all above fluorescence�� Most of calculated oil saturations��based on Archie��are consistent with the actual oil saturation�� Oil saturation of 70%��50% and 38% are regarded as the distinguishing criteria for gas layer��oil layer��oil-water layer and water layer�� The oil-bearing level of reservoirs in the studied area is con- trolled by both deposition and structure�� The deposition mainly controls rock textures and physical properties of the reservoir��while structure controls hydrocarbon accumulation��i. e�� ��the actual oil saturation in structural highs is higher than the calculated result��while in structural lows is lower than the calculated result��

Keywords: sandstone reservoirs   oil saturation   oil-bearing level   Shuangyang Formation   Luxiang fault de- pression   Yingtong Basin  
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