[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(4) 1034-1040 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Wang, X. W.
Article by Li, X. R.
Article by Liu, F. X.
Article by Yan, C. M.
Article by Zhou, X. L.
Article by Wang, C. B.
��ѧ��, ������, ������, �ϳ���, ��ϲ��, ������
1. ����ʡ�˹�ҵ�����ŵ��ʴ�ӣ����� 650032; 2. ����ʡ�ؿ��������ʿ�������ӣ����� ��Ϫ 653100

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Division and characteristics of Dulongjiang magmatic arc
WANG Xue-Wu, LI Xin-Ren, LIU Feng-Xiang, YAN Cheng-Min, ZHOU Xi-Lin, WANG Chang-Bing
1. No. 209 Geological Party��Geological Bureau of Yunnan Nuclear Industry��Kunming 650032��China; 2�� ��egional Geological Survey Party��Yunnan Bureau of Geology and Mineral ��esources��Yuxi 653100��Yunnan��China

To clarify the division and characteristics of Gongshan tectonic units in northwestern Yunnan��the authors collected and collated different scaled regional geological survey data��and then obtained four new under- standings: �� tectonic units are divided into Dulongjiang magmatic arc and Bingzhongluo block��and the demarca- tion between them is the inclined eastward Gaoligong Mountain thrusting nappe fault; ��Dulongjiang magmatic arc belongs to Tengchong orogenic belt��while Bingzhongluo block belongs to the Three ��iver orogenic belt��which are separated by Meso-Tethys; �� the Meso-Tethys opened in Middle Jurassic��westward subducted in Late Jurassic- early Early Cretaceous��and closed in later Early Cretaceous and Late Cretaceous; �� Bangongcuo-Dongqiao suture zone in the district has been covering by the Gaoligong Mountain rock group which westward thrust nappe��

Keywords: northwestern Yunnan   Dulongjiang magmatic arc   Bingzhongluo block   Bangongcuo--Dongqiao suture zone   Gaoligongshan fault   Nujiang fault  
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