[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(4) 1021-1026 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Wang, X.
Article by Niu, Y. H.
Article by Gu, H. J.
Article by Zheng, T.
Article by Li, X. D.
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Application of geophysical and geochemical exploration to searching for stream sediment anomaly in Xinlitun area of eastern Harbin��Heilongjiang Province
WANG Xing, NIU Yan-Hong, GU Hua-Juan, ZHENG Tao, LI Xu-Dong
Qiqihar Branch of Heilongjiang Institute of Geological Survey��Harbin 161005��China

The 1�� 5 million stream sediment anomaly in Xinlitun area of eastern Harbin��Heilongjiang Prov- ince was verified by using the method of 1�� 2 million soil measuring��high-accuracy ground magnetic survey and IP gradient array measurement�� It was found that there were 182 soil anomalies of 11 kinds of single element such as Mo��29 combinative anomalies��1 high magnetic anomaly��and 2 IP anomalies�� On the basis of comprehensive a- nalysis of its geological background��the trenching work was revealed at the set of geophysical and geochemical a- nomalies and multiple molybdenum ore bodies were found��

Keywords: stream sediment anomaly   searching in anomaly   Xinlitun area   Heilongjiang  
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