[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(2) 593-600 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Liang, S.
Article by Li, Y. F.
Article by Tang, J.
Article by Wang, Y. J.
Article by Li, Q. Y.
��˶, ���·�, ����, ���½�, ������
1. ���ִ�ѧ �����ѧѧԺ������ 130061; 2. ���ִ�ѧ ��������ԴѧԺ������ 130012

�Լ�������������Ҫũ���� (����С�ͨ���غ�Ǭ����) 50 ������������в��ԣ�̽������������̬�ֲ��������������ʵĹ�ϵ���о��������������������̬�ĺ����ֲ�Ϊ: ����̬�� (A) �� ���̽��̬�� (B) �� ��ֲ����̬�� (C) �� ̼����̬�� (D) �� ǿ�л����̬�� (E) �� ˮ��̬�� (F) �� ���ӽ���̬�� (G)����Ҫ�� A ��ʽ���ڣ���ȫ��ƽ�������������й���Ԫ�ر���ֵ��A �������ӽ����� (CEC) �ʼ���������أ�B �� pH ֵ�ʼ���������أ�C��E ���л��ʳʼ���������ء�A ����������Ԫ�صĹ�ϵ��Ϊ���У�C��D��G ��֮������̬��֮�䣬B��C��D �����ʼ���������أ�������̬���˴˼��ϵ����

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Study on form distribution of soil iron in western Jilin and its correlation with soil properties
LIANG Shuo, LI Yue-Fen, TANG Jie, WANG Yue-Jiao, LI Qing-Yu
1. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2. College of Environment and ��esources��Jilin University��Changchun 130012��China

Through investigating 50 surface soil samples of three agricultural and pastoral areas (Taonan City�� Tongyu County and Qian’an County) in western Jilin��the authors explored form distribution and the relations between soil properties and soil iron form�� The results show there exist 7 forms of iron��including residual phase (A) �� Fe- - Mn oxide phase (B) �� humic acid phase (C) �� carbonate phase (D) �� strong organic phase (E) �� water solubility phase (F) �� exchangeable phase (G)�� A is the main form in soil of western Jilin��and the av- erage iron content of soil is lower than the background value in China�� There is a significantly positive correlation between Caption Exchange Capacity (CEC) and A��soil pH and B��soil organic matter content and C��E�� Soil mineral elements are significantly correlated with A�� C��D and G are the next�� The relations in different forms of soil iron show that B��C and D have significantly positive correlations with each other��while the other forms have little correlation��

Keywords: iron   form   soil properties   western Jilin  
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