[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(2) 575-579 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zhang, X. X.
Article by Chen, X. H.
Article by Mi, H. C.
Article by Liu, R. C.
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1. ������ѧ ������ѧ�빤��ѧԺ������ 710064; 2. �ڲ���˹�Ӵ�ѧ �ֿϷ�У��Ȼ��Դϵ������ �ֿ� NE68583- 0996

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ZHANG Xiao-Xiao, CHEN Xun-Hong, MI Hai-Cun, LIU Rui-Chong
1. School of Environmental Science and Engineering��Chang’an University��Xi’an 710064��China; 2. School of Natural ��esources��University of Nebraska- Lincoln��Lincoln NE 68583- 0996��USA

On the basis of the standpipe method that measures the hydraulic conductivity of a sediment col- umn��a device for air permeability test was designed and assembled�� which used air as the fluid to determine the air permeability of a sediment column�� The air permeability of a sample can then be converted to the hydraulic conduc- tivity�� In this study�� the authors use air permeability test and standpipe method to measure hydraulic conductivity of three eolian (from desert) sediment samples and seven floodplain sediment samples�� Test results indicate that air permeability test is a feasible method to measure hydraulic conductivity of sediment�� Compared with the standpipe method��the air permeability test can be conducted in a short time and requires no water�� Thus estimating hydraulic conductivity of sediments by the air permeability test is a valuable choice for test sites lack of water��

Keywords: eolian sand   air permeability test   standpipe method   hydraulic conductivity  
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