[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(2) 549-558 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Processing Modflow
Article by Sun, H. J.
Article by Li, L. Y.
Article by Liu, C. L.
Processing Modflow �ڻ�����ɳ���ˮ�е�Ӧ��
�ﻳ��, ����Ӫ, ������
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�����ij����Ϊ�о����󣬲��� Processing Modflow ��ֵģ����������˵���ˮ��ά���������������ģ�͡�ģ���˻�����ɳ���ˮ�����֧����ֹˮ�Ļʩ�����������ܱߵ���ˮλ�͵��������ʵʱ�仯: ��������ɳ���ˮ����Ļ����ܱ�Լ 80 m �ڵ���ˮˮλ������ 0. 90 �� 82. 15 cm ֮�䣬Լ 80 m �ڵ���������� 0. 001 ��26. 21 mm ֮�䡣ģ��������ڼ�������ǺϽϺã��ܹ���Ϊ��ʵ�ķ�ӳ��ˮ���̶��ܱ߻�����Ӱ�졣

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Application of Processing Modflow in drainage of foundation pit
SUN Huai-Jun, LI Lian-Ying, LIU Cheng-Lei
Tianjin Institute of Geotechnical Investigation �� Surveying��Tianjin 300191��China

Taking a foundation pit in Tianjin as the research subject��the authors established a three dimen- sional coupling model between groundwater flow and land subsidence by the Processing Modflow numerical simula- tion software�� The real time change of the underground water level and land subsidence around the pit was simula- ted when the foundation pit dewatered and drained in case of the construction of supporting and water proof curtain: the value of underground water reduction caused by drainage of foundation pit is about between 0. 90 cm and 82. 15 cm around foundation pit within 80 m area�� Within the 80 m area��the land subsidence is between 0. 001 mm and 26. 21 mm�� The results are in good agreement with the latter monitoring data��which can reflect the influence of the precipitation process to the surrounding environment��

Keywords: foundation pit   drainage   coupling model   Processing Modflow   Tianjin  
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