[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(2) 526-535 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zou, X.
Article by Xie, G. A.
Article by Zhang, Q. L.
Article by Li, Y. X.
�ɿ�Դ��Ƶ��ص�ŷ� (CSAMT) �ڰ���ͭ�������̽����ҿ��е�Ӧ��
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���ÿɿ�Դ��Ƶ��ص�ŷ� (CSAMT) �����빹��������ϵķ�����ȷ����ɽ—����ɽ��б�Ĺ�����̬���������������������ɽ��ز㶥��ȸ���ͼ��ͨ���Աȷ��������̽���������� CSAMT ����������������⿱̽���� CSAMT ����������½��ͣ�������������Ŀ�̽��λ���о�����: ����ɽ���� CSAMT ����������û�п��壬���豳���µ� “V”�͵����쳣���Ͷ������������ijɿ�λ; ����������ϲ��������Ŀ�̽���飬���ڸ���Ԥ���� 2 ��������̽���; �������̽����������λ����ɽ—����ɽ��б����˵������ڹ��첿λ�ͳɿ������Ͼ��������ԣ��dzɿ���������첿λ��

�ؼ����� CSAMT   ����ͭ��   �����̽��   �������   ��ҿ�  
Application of controlled source audio- frequency magneto tellurics (CSAMT) in deep exploration of Wuzhujian exploration area in Anqing copper deposit
ZOU Xu, XIE Guo-Ai, ZHANG Qing-Long, LI Yong-Xiang
School of Earth Sciences and Engineering��Nanjing University��Nanjing 210046��China

With the combined application of CASMT data and tectonic analysis��the tectonic features of Yueshan - - Huangtushan anticline were ascertained�� And the superface contour maps of the diorite rock masses and the Yueshan strata were drawn�� Besides��the CSAMT profile of Wuzhujian exploration area was redefined by com- parative analysis of CSAMT profile characteristics of the Wuzhujian exploration area with its neighboring areas�� In the end��advantageous exploration sites of the areas were made clear�� The results show that ��there were no ore bodies within the low- resistance belts of the CSAMT profile of Yueshan area; and the V- shaped low- resistance belts of high- resistance zones and the sharp- drop belts were the favorable metallogenic places; ��the southwest areas of Wuzhujian were the favorable exploration blocks and two favorable prospecting holes were predicated in these areas�� ��lying in the wings of the Yueshan - - Huangtushan anticline pitch ends��respectively��the Wuzhujian exploration area and Zhuchong mining areas resembled each other in tectonic position and metallogenic condition��and they are favorable tectonic positions for mineralization��

Keywords: CSAMT   Anqing copper deposit   Wuzhujian exploration area   structural analysis   deep prospecting  
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