[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(2) 510-525 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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K��means �����㷨
��BF ������
Article by Wang, H. F.
Article by Wang, Y. L.
Article by Lu, Z. K.
Article by Wang, Z. W.
�����, ������, ½����, ��ף��
1. ���ִ�ѧ ����̽���ѧ�뼼��ѧԺ������ 130026; 2. �й��罨���� ���Ͽ�������о�Ժ���޹�˾����ɳ 410014; 3. ����ʡ��ͨ����о�Ժ�������ι�˾���ϲ� 330002

���û��� K��means �����㷨�� ��BF �����編���ɺ���ض������ݻ�������Խ���ʶ���ۺ�������Ȼ٤���������ӡ�����ʱ��ܶ�������ʵ�ʵ�ʲ⾮���ϣ��������������ʶ��Ļ�����BF �����硣ѡȡ����о����м��¼�����ɾ���������֤���÷��������ʶ����������ҡ������ҵ� 6 �ֻ���ң�ʶ��׼ȷ��ƽ���ɴ� 70%���ϡ�

�ؼ����� �����   ����ʶ��   K��means �����㷨   ��BF ������  
Lithologic identification and application for igneous rocks in eastern depression of Liaohe oil field
WANG Hong-Fei, WANG Yu-Long, LU Zhe-Kun, WANG Zhu-Wen
1. College of Geo- exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China; 2. PowerChina Zhongnan Engineering Corporation��Changsha 410014��China; 3. Communications Design ��esearch Institute Co�� ��Ltd of Jiangxi Province��Nanchang 330002��China

A new hydrid algorithm for training ��BF network based on moving K- -means clustering algorithm was adopted to identify the types of igneous rocks in eastern depression of Liaohe oil field�� By synthetically using natural gamma��neutron��acoustic��density and resistivity logging data��the basic ��BF neural network of igneous li- thology identification has been established�� Some wells with cores and cuttings are selected to test��the result shows that the method clearly identified the basalt and trachyte�� 6 kinds of igneous rocks�� The accuracy of recognition rate is more than 70%��

Keywords: igneous rock   lithology identification   K- - means clustering algorithm   ��BF neural network  
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1�� ��Ӣ��, ������, ��ѩ��, ����.ģ��������䷨�ں�������ر������ݴ�������ʶ���е�Ӧ��[J]. �������, 2010,29(3): 473-478

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