[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(2) 495-502 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Jiang, Y.
Article by Xue, L. F.
Article by Zhu, M.
Article by Liu, W. Y.
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Deep geological features of Hanling- - Pianling fault zone in eastern Liaoning
JIANG Yan, XUE Lin-Fu, ZHU Ming, LIU Wen-Yu
College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China

On the basis of the comprehensive interpretation of four high- precision gravity��high- precision mag- netic and MT measured non- seismic geophysical profiles��combining with the regional geological data and field geo- logical research��the authors studied the features for the deep Hanling- - Pianling fault zone in eastern Liaoning�� Ac- cording to the result of aeromagnetic anomalies upward continuation��it is considered that the fault zone is a sinistral strike- slip fault��and its biggest leap distance is about 53 km�� According to Bouguer gravity anomalies upward con- tinuation��there is a shallower cutting depth with Hanling- - Pianling fault zone�� It mostly developed in the sedimenta- ry cover�� The processing and interpretation results of four integrated geophysical profiles show that the occurrences of Hanling - - Pianling fault are various in different locations��the deep tendency of the western fault is N��the appar- ent dip is about 65°; while the deep fault in the middle tends to NW�� its apparent dip is about 60°; the north of the deep fault tends to NW and SE��and the change of apparent dip is large about 35° ��50° according to its swing fea- ture��

Keywords: Hanling��Pianling fault zone   deep geological feature   non- seismic geophysical profile   eastern Liaoning  
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