[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(2) 395-402 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Hu, X. Q.
Article by Xi, A. H.
Article by Xiang, L.
Article by Xie, G. Z.
Article by Xiao, S. Y.
Article by Sun, H. R.
Article by Shi, G. P.
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Geochemical characteristics of ore- bearing gabbro from Panzhihua�� Sichuan Province��and its metallogenic significance
HU Xiao-Qing, XI Ai-Hua, XIANG Lei, XIE Guan-Zhi, XIAO Si-Yu, SUN Hong-Ru, SHI Gui-Peng
College of Earth Sciences �� Technology��Southwest Petroleum University��Chengdu 610500��China

Ore- bearing gabbros and ore- free basalts from Panzhihua��Sichuan are compared in this article u- sing lithology and petrogeochemistry methods�� The results show that the ore- bearing gabbros are proved to be pera- luminous calc- alkali rocks��rich in Ti�� However��the ore- free basalts belong to metaluminous calc- alkali rocks�� showing high Mg and low Ti�� The differences in trace elements and rare earth elements are obviously�� The former has low ��EE��a positive anomaly in Eu and common fractionation between light and heavy ��EEs��while the latter appears higher in ��EE��with a weak positive anomaly in Eu and sharp fractionation�� Compared to primitive man- tle��incompatible elements in basalts are higher��especially strong incompatible elements such as ��b��Ba��Th�� Nb��La��Ce��Sr��accumulate 50 ��100 times relatively�� Combined with previous study��it is found that the Pan- zhihua ore- bearing gabbros and Ertan ore- free basalts may be derived from a different extent of partial melting of en- riched mantle��and then are contaminated with crust materials during magma evolution�� The authors propose that crystalization fractionation of magma��contamination with crust materials and retain of volatiles might be the vital controlling factors for gabbro intrusion to form the V- - Ti magnetite deposit��

Keywords: Panzhihua area   ore- bearing gabbro   petrogeochemistry   V- Ti magnetite deposit  
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