[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(2) 387-394 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Wang, Y.
Article by Xue, L. F.
Article by Peng, C.
Article by Ma, Y. N.
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Buried depth of Archean crystalline basement in Anshan��Benxi area
WANG Yu, XUE Lin-Fu, PENG Chong, MA Yan-Ni
College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China

This paper analyzes the data of gravity and magnetic anomaly field in scale of 1�� 200 000�� borehole and measuring density in Anshan - -Benxi area�� Through the method of 2 - -D human- computer interactive inversion under the geological section data constraints��the authors complete the deeply geological structural inversion of 14 profiles�� The inversion results confirm the constitution of Archean crystalline basement in Anshan- -Benxi area��in which the maximum buried depth is about 4 500 meters in Xialiaohe Basin��while the shallow area of the buried depth is located in the south of Benxi City�� In speculation��Tianshifu town and south of Pingdingshan town may have concealed iron ore��

Keywords: Anshan��Benxi area   Archean crystalline basement   gravity and magnetic inversion   buried depth of basement   concealed iron ore  
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1�� �, �ִ��, ��ѩɽ, ����ռ, ��Ң, ���˺�.�ӱ��Ű����������Dz�����������ʯӢ�������󴲵Ŀ�������[J]. �������, 2009,28(2): 187-192

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