[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(2) 348-356 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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�ʯ U-Pb ���ѧ
Article by Yan, L. L.
Article by Sun, F. Y.
Article by Ma, Z. T.
Article by Wang, N. C.
Article by Zhao, C.
Article by Li, F. D.
����ʡ�ٽ���С�������������ʯ U��Pb ���ѧ�͵���ѧ����
������, �����, ��־ͨ, ��ޝ�, �Գ�, ��ɴ�
1. ���ִ�ѧ �����ѧѧԺ������ 130061; 2. ����ʡ������������о�Ժ������ 130012

��С���������ҽ������ʯ LA��ICP��MS U��Pb ���ѧ����ʯ����ѧ�о��������������ʯ����Ϊ 211 ��214 Ma����Ȩ��ƽ����ֵΪ (212. 8 ± 1) Ma�������ҽ������������������� TiO2 ��Zr/ P2O5 ��P2O5��Zr �� SiO2 ��K 2O ͼ�⣬�ж���ʯΪ�߼ظƼ���ϵ�У�A/CNK ֵΪ 1. 25 �� 1. 57��Ϊ�����ʡ�������������ʯԪ�� (�� K����b��Ba)����Կ���߳�ǿԪ�� (�� Nb��Ta��P��Ti)���� Mg # ֵ (51. 74 ��52. 56��ƽ��Ϊ 52. 17)��Nb/Ta ��ֵ (13. 52 �� 16. 00)����b/Sr ��ֵ (0.13 �� 0.18)��Th/Nb ��ֵ (0. 34 ��0. 37) �� Ba/La ��ֵ (12. 39 ��15. 83)����ʾ����������п�᣻���ص㡣�ۺ�ǰ���о��ɹ�����Ϊ��ʯ�γ��ڹ�������պ�֮�����ɽ���Ż�����

�ؼ����� �ʯ U-Pb ���ѧ   ����ѧ   ��������   �ٽ�С��  
Ziron U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of Xiaohu diorite porphyrite in Linjing��Jilin Province
YAN Lei-Lei, SUN Feng-Yue, MA Zhi-Tong, WANG Nai-Chen, ZHAO Chao, LI Fei-Da
1. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2. Exploration Geophysical ��esearch Institute of Jilin Province��Changchun 130012��China

LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating and geochemical data of Xiaohu diorite porphyrite were studied�� The results indicate that the diorite porphyrite pluton formed in Late Triassic (212. 8 ±1) Ma. Based on TiO 2 ��Zr/P2O5 ��P2O5��Zr��and K2O �� SiO2 diagrams of rocks��the diorite porphyrite is characterized by high- K calc- al- kaline and peraluminous affinities��with an A/CNK ratio ranging from 1. 25 to 1. 57��enrichment in LILE (such as K����b��Ba)��relatively depleting in HFSE (such as Nb��Ta��P��Ti)�� Combined with their high Mg # values (51. 74 ��52. 56)��Nb/Ta = 13. 52 �� 16. 00����b/Sr = 0. 13 �� 0. 18��Th/Nb = 0. 34 �� 0. 37��Ba/La = 12. 39 �� 15. 83��it can be concluded that the magmatic mixing evolution trend�� Integrated the regional tectonic evolution��it is suggested the porphyrite formed in the post- orogenic extension setting��which was related to the closure of the Pa- leo- - Asian Ocean��

Keywords: zircon U-Pb chronology   geochemistry   diorite porphyrite   Xiaohu of Linjinag  
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