[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(2) 297-308 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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�ʯ U- Pb ����
Article by Li, S. L.
Article by Chen,Y. J.
Article by Li, Y. F.
Article by Wang, X.
Article by Li, Y.
Article by Wu, G. X.
�ں�����������٪������������ʯ�ʯU��Pb ���䡢����ѧ��������ʯ����
��ɭ��, ��Ծ��, ���Ʒ�, ����, ����, ���ѧ
1. ���ִ�ѧ �����ѧѧԺ������ 130061; 2. ���ִ�ѧ ������ѧ��ز�ѧ�о����ģ����� 130026

�ں������������������Ա����������ҵ� LA- ICP- MS �ʯ U- Pb ͬλ�ز��Խ�����������γ�ʱ��Ϊ��٪���� ((163. 8 ±1) Ma)����Щ��٪�������������������������ʸ߼ظƼ���ϵ�е� I �ͻ����ң����Ը�����������ʯԪ�� (��b��Ba��Th) �Ϳ���߳�ǿԪ�� (Zr��Hf��Nb��Ta)��Ԫ�� Sr �������Եĸ��쳣��������ԭʼ�ҽ���Դ�ڵؿǻ���ҵIJ������ڡ������������ͬʱ������ҵ���������͹�̫ƽ����Ĺ����ݻ�����Ϊ�ö����������γ��ڻ��½��Ե�������γɵĵ�����ѧ��������Ϊ��̫ƽ������ŷ�ǰ�鸩����ɽ�����չ������

�ؼ����� ��٪����������   �ʯ U- Pb ����   ����ѧ   ��ʯ����   ��������   �ں�  
Zircon U- Pb ages��geochemistry and petrogenesis of Middle Jurassic granite in Xinsheng area of Heihe City
LI Sen-Lin, CHEN Yue-Jun, LI Yun-Feng, WANG Xiong, LI Yong, WU Guo-Xue
1. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2. ��esearch Center of Paleontology �� Stratigraphy��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

Zircon U- - Pb dating by LA- ICP- MS technique indicates that the monzonitic granitic from the north- ern Xigulan river in Xingsheng area of Heihe were formed in Middle Jurassic (163. 8 ±1) Ma�� These granites be- long to peraluminous high- K calc- alkaline I- type granite series��The rocks were obviously rich in LILE (��b��Ba and Th) and depleted in HFSE (Zr��Hf��Nb and Ta) with pronounced negative Sr anomalies��Their primary mag- mas were derived from partial melting of lower crust�� Combined with the feature of igneous rock associations and tectonic evolution history of paleo- - Pacific Plate��the authors proposed that monzonitic granite anitic from the north- ern Xigulan river in Xingsheng area of Heihe were formed in the active continental margin tectonic setting related to the subduction of paleo- Pacific tectonic plate from the east to the west��

Keywords: Middle Jurassic granites   zircon U- Pb ages   geochemistry   petrogenesis   Xinsheng area   Heihe City  
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