[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(1) 173-183 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Sun, S. L.
Article by Guo, W.
Article by Li, Y. F.
Article by Su, F.
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1. �й����ʵ���� �������ʵ������ģ����� 110032; 2. ���ִ�ѧ �����ѧѧԺ������ 130026

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Application of micro- beam of fluorescence spectra in study of hydrocarbon accumulation: taking the Late Paleozoic reservoir of Bashentuo in Tarim Basin for example
SUN Shou-Liang, GUO Wei, LI Yong-Fei, SU Fei
1. Shenyang Center of Geological Survey��China Geological Survey��Shenyang 110032��China; 2. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

As the oil can produce fluorescence under UV excitation��by microscopic fluorescence spectroscop- ic method��we quantitatively analyzed the fluorescence spectra of the organic inclusions�� By using its contrast analysis of main peak wavelength and the fluorescence intensity��the main peak wavelength and Q- quotient (red- green quotient)��the characteristics of hydrocarbon reservoirs of Late Paleozoic reservoir in Bashentuo��Tarim Basin were preliminarily studied�� We collected 64 fluorescence spectral data from 32 samples in the studied area�� The a- nalysis results show that there are three oil sources in the Late Paleozoic hydrocarbon reservoirs of Bashentuo��demonstrating the wavelengths are mainly concentrated on three value segments of 439 �� 443 nm��469 �� 472 nm and 498 ��503 nm��which are mixed sources filling in different evolutionary stages�� The precedent two reservoirs come from the Cambrian- Ordovician oil sources with filling up from the bottom up�� The oil source in the later reservoir comes from Carboniferous Bachu Formation charging up and down both directions at the same time��along with the change of evolutionary degree�� Integrating over the organic inclusions captured from different peak wavelengths at the same period��it can be speculated that there are four oil and one gas injection in the research area at least��

Keywords: petroleum inclusions   micro- beam of fluorescence spectra   Bashentuo   Late Paleozoic hydrocar- bon reservoirs   Tarim Basin  
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