[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2016, 35(1) 153-162 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zhang, F. K.
Article by Xing, L. X.
Article by Han, T. T.
Article by Wang, S. Z.
Article by Liang, M.
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���� Landsat 5 TM �� Landsat 7 ETM + Ӱ�񣬲��÷��䴫�䷽�̷����ݳ���ɽ�����ر��¶ȣ�����֪���Ѵ�Ϊ�����ߣ���������ͬ��Χ���ȼ�໮�֣�ͳ�Ƹ��ȷִ��ڵ�ƽ���ر��¶Ⱥ�ƽ�����룬����ͼ�ε���ʽչ���¶ȳ��Ͷ��ѹ���֮��Ĺ�ϵ�����õȷִ�ƽ���¶Ⱥ�ƽ����������������������һ�������¶ȳ�����Ҫ���ѹ���֮��Ĺ�ϵ���������: 9 �·�ʱ�����ڵ� 6 �����Ѵ���ر��¶ȳ���������������������ȶ����ȷִ��ھ�����Ѵ�ԽԶ���ر��¶�Խ��; 4 �·�ʱ�ر��¶ȳ�����ѹ���ı仯���ƺ� 11 �·�ʱ�ر��¶ȳ�����ѹ���ı仯���Ƴ��ֳ��ܴ�̶ȵ��Ǻϡ������ڵı�����ͽ���������Ѵ�����ر��¶ȳ�����ѹ���֮����ֳ�һ��������ԣ�������ı��ڶ��Ѵ��������—��ض��Ѵ��Լ��������Ѵ���ر��¶ȳ�������Բ��������������—����¶ȳ��������¶ȳ���������һ������߶ȵ��¶ȳ������ࡣ

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��elationship between main fault and land surface temperature field of Changbai Mountain area
ZHANG Fu-Kun, XING Li-Xin, HAN Ting-Ting, WANG Shou-Zhi, LIANG Min
College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

Based on Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM + images��we use radiation transfer equation to invert land surface temperature in the studied area�� Then we make the known fault zone as center line��do equidistant di- vision to both sides of the same extent��calculate average land surface temperature and average distance within each equal zone��use graph to show the relationship between temperature field and faults and use average land surface temperature and average distance of equal zone to draw the correlation curve to further describe the relationship be tween temperature field and major faults�� The results show that in September��six fault zones are significantly associated with land surface temperature field within the region��the regional characteristics are stable��the farther the distance of fault zone and the decile band��the lower the land surface temperatures are�� In April and November�� the change tendency of land surface temperature field with the fracture structure shows a big match��and it shows some correlation between land surface temperature field and its faults in the zone of northeast and approximately EW fault zone�� The correlation between the fault zones in Beigang (with NW trend)��Hongqicun - - Tianchi��Manjiang�� the land surface temperature field is not significant�� The Hongqicun - - Tianchi temperature field and Manjiang tem- perature field may belong to either side of a larger- scale temperature field��

Keywords: Changbai Mountain   fault zone   land surface temperature field   division zone mean method   thermal infrared remote sensing  
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