[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2015, 34(4) 1149-1154 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Xu, X. B.
Article by He, B. S.
Article by Wang, Q.
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1. �㶫ʡ��������о�Ժ������ 510663; 2. ���ִ�ѧ ���蹤��ѧԺ������ 130026

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�ؼ����� ��������-�����Թ滮ԭ��   �����״ͼ   AutoCAD ���ο���   . NET  
Analysis on borehole diagram drawing by nonlinear programming theory
XU Xiao-Bin, HE Bao-Shi, WANG Qing
1. Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute��Guangzhou 510663��China; 2. Engineering College of Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

In order to resolve the problems of drawing borehole histogram at present��a new method is pro- posed by using the elasticity- nonlinear programming theory to adjust the text location of borehole histogram�� The ini- tial borehole histogram was visualized by properly allocating the blank cells of soil descriptions�� The x i coordinates of engineering geological descriptions in the histogram are optimized and calculated�� Based on the x i results��Auto- CAD is used for re- developing the borehole histogram automatically�� This new borehole histogram drawing method is professional and efficient��which can produce standard drawings��reasonably distributed descriptions and fine for- mat without subsequent processing��so lots of labor cost can be saved��

Keywords: elasticity- nonlinear programming theory   borehole histogram   AutoCAD re- development   . NET  
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