[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2015, 34(4) 914-926 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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LA- - ICP- - MS U- - Pb ����
Article by Zhou, J. P.
Article by Liu, Y. J.
Article by Wen, Q. B.
Article by Li, W. M.
Article by Zhang, L.
Article by Ma, G. X.
���ɹŶ��������պӵ�����- -����������м�ʯ���估���������
�ܽ�ƽ, ������, ��Ȫ��, ��ΰ��, ����, �����
1. ���ִ�ѧ �����ѧѧԺ������ 130061; 2. �������ʿ���о��������� 110034; 3. �˹�ҵ 243 ��ӣ����ɹ� ��� 024006

�����ɹŶ�����³������պӵ���ԭ��Ϊ�϶���ͳ������ɰ����Ʒ����м�ʯ LA- -ICP- -MS U- - Pb ���ѧ������������ȡ������Ʒ���������Ե������������ֵ���ֱ�Ϊ ��244 Ma (ZL010)�� ��250 Ma (ZL011)�������ڸõ��������硢��������������ԭ��Ϊ�����͵ĵز�ʵΪ����ϵ��������Ʒ����С����ֱ�Ϊ 242 ±4 Ma (ZL010)��241 ±4 Ma (ZL011)���޶��˳�������������Ϊ������������ϴ��˰����в��������dz��ֵ��硢��������½�໯ʯ��֤�ݣ���һ��ȷ�������ɹŶ��������˰�����������硢������ͳ��������ȱʧ��ԭ���Ʋ�Ϊ��������������ĩ�����˴��ģ����̧���˶�����������ϵ����ǿ�Ұ�ʴ��

�ؼ����� ���ɹŶ�����   ���պ�   ������   ��м�ʯ   LA- - ICP- - MS U- - Pb ����   ��Դ����  
Detrital zircons from Early- Middle Triassic sandstones in Jurihe area of northeastern Inner Mongolia and its tectonic implications
ZHOU Jian-Ping, LIU Yong-Jiang, WEN Quan-Bo, LI Wei-Min, ZHANG Li, MA Guo-Xiang
1. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2. Shenyang Institute of Geology and Mineral ��esources��Shenyang 110034��China; 3. Geological Party No. 243��CNNC��Chifeng 024006��Inner Mongolia��China

In this paper�� two groups of sandstone samples from the Jurihe area in Jarud Banner�� Inner Mongo- lia��have been collected and examined by the zircon LA- -ICP- -MS U- -Pb dating which were originally regarded as the Upper Permina Linxi Formation�� Both of the two groups of samples showed significant Triassic age peak��i. e. ��244 Ma for sample ZL010 and ��250 Ma for sample ZL011��which indicates that the studied area once existed Early- Middle Triassic sedimentation and the original scheduled Permian strata was Triassic actually�� Moreover��the youngest ages of 242 ±4 Ma (sample ZL010) and 241 ± 4 Ma (sample ZL011) have been obtained��suggesting that the lower limit age of the deposit was Middle Triassic�� Combining with the previously discovered Early and Middle Triassic continental fossil evidences in the middle part of the Great Khingan Mountains��we concluded that the Early-Middle Triassic sedimentation were probably widespread in the Great Khingan Mountains��northeastern Inner Mongolia�� Subsequently�� the large- scaled tectonic uplift movement took place in the Great Khingan Mountains in Late Triassic��leading to the intensity denudation of the Triassic strata in Jurihe area��

Keywords: northeastern Inner Mongolia   Jurihe   Triassic   detrital zircon   LA- -ICP- -MS U- -Pb age   prove- nance analysis  
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