[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2015, 34(3) 848-852 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Meng, H.
Article by Chen, S. B.
Article by Zhang, D.
Article by Liu, Y.
���ڿ�Դ MapServer ������Ϣ����ʵ�ֵ��о�
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WebGIS ���������Ϸ���������Ϣ��ʵ�ֶԵ�����Ϣ�IJ�������Ե�ǰ WebGIS ���ٵ���Ҫ���⣬���� Web �ĵ�����Ϣϵͳ����״�Լ��䷢չ���ƵĻ����ϣ��������һ�����ڿ�Դ MapServer �� PostgreSQL (PostGIS) �Ŀռ����ݷ���ϵͳ�Ĺ���������ͨ�� Mapfile �ļ��������������ã�ʵ�����Կ�Դ�ռ����ݿ� PostgreSQL (PostGIS) Ϊ����Դ�����ڿ�Դ MapServer �ĵ�����Ϣ�ķ������������: ͨ�� MapServer �� PostgreSQL (PostGIS) �ܴһ����Դ������Ϣ����ϵͳ; ͨ���� Mapfile �����е��߼����ʽ�����޸ģ�����ʹ�����ڲ�ͬ�������½��зֲ���ʾ; ͼ���������ϵͳ������������Ӱ�죬�������������� 100 ��ʱ������ͼ������������Ч������ϵͳ���ܡ�

�ؼ����� MapServer   PostgreSQL   PostGIS   ��Դ  
��esearch on publishing geographic information based on open source MapServer
MENG Hua, CHEN Sheng-Bo, ZHANG Dong, LIU Yan
College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

WebGIS can publish geographic information on the network and achieve the operation of geographic information�� In face of the current major problems of WebGIS��this paper proposes a construction method (geo-graphic information publishing system) based on open source MapServer and PostgreSQL (PostGIS) according to the present situations of WebGIS and trend of WebGIS development�� Through the description and configuration of Mapfile��regarding the open source spatial database PostgreSQL (PostGIS) as the data source��the paper achieves geographic information publishing which based on the open source MapServer�� Conclusions showed that MapServer and PostgreSQL (PostGIS) can build an open source geographic information publishing system�� By logical expression of changes of Mapfile attributes��the hierarchical surface features display can be shown at different scales�� The number of layers has a significant effect on the performance of the system��especially when the number is greater than 100�� It is effective to improve the system performance by reducing the number of layer��

Keywords: MapServer   PostgreSQL   PostGIS   Open source  
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