[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2015, 34(2) 565-570 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zu, G. Q.
Article by Zu, X.
Article by He, G. Q.
1. �Ϸ����Դ���ܼ����������޹�˾���Ϸ� 230061; 2. �Ϸʹ�ҵ��ѧ ��е����������ѧԺ���Ϸ� 230009


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Geothermal energy is an important factor affecting Earth's average annual temperature
ZU Guo-Quan, Zu Xuan, HE Gao-Qing
1. Hefei Tiandiyuan Energy Saving Technology Development Co�� ��Lid�� ��Hefei 230061��China; 2. School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering��Hefei University of Technology��Hefei 230009��China

It is concluded that geothermal energy is an important impact of the global annual average tempera- ture from the analysis of the shallow geothermal energy distribution�� the temperature variation of the upper and lower ground and the relationship between the earth's average annual temperature and the strength of solar radiation�� And the influence is also discussed that the geothermal energy affects the earth's average annual temperature and its change trend��

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